Kids Ideas Are Winners Kids Ideas are WinnersOne of the best ideas for making a fun school program is to listen to the kids. Children have very active imaginations and they are not shy about expressing their ideas. If you are open to their ideas you can give your programs zip and humor. It also gives ... Similar Editorial : Develop A Winners Attitude by Dennis Harting. | Source : College Degree Courses
Any One Can Teach How many of you have heard this? Well, I’m here to tell you that this is false. Everyone can teach, but not in a classroom. Some yea5rs ago the newspaper reported of a very successful lawyer who had always dreamed of being a teacher. He had made a lot of money as a lawyer and decided to fo... Similar Editorial : Planning to Teach Yoga by JACKIE. | Source : College Degree Courses
Teacher Friendly Programs/Plays Thirty seven years spent in an ordinary average classroom has given me a lot of insight into what is a teacher friendly program. Teacher friendly programs realize that teachers are always under the gun when it comes to time. Their time for putting on a program is very limited with all the ot... Similar Editorial : Inappropriate Teacher by Tish Smiley. | Source : College Degree Courses
Rhyming And School Plays/Programs Rhyming makes learning easier for everyone. If you want a child to learn something quickly there are two things that will make the process much easier and less painful for everyone involved. One is to put it to music and the other is to make it into a rhyme.Many if not all parent... Similar Editorial : Old School by Britt Gillette. | Source : Home Education
Creating A Successful School Christmas Program ProgramSchool Christmas Programs or Plays can be difficult to say the least. Children are hyper because of the thoughts of the holidays. Teachers are anxious and do not want to have an added burden. Parents have so many other appointments on their calendar that this because just an... Similar Editorial : Creating Successful Online Relationships by 13057. | Source : Home Education
Use Of Power Points In Programs If you have the equipment for displaying power points in auditoriums or gymnasiums then the use of Power Point Programs during a program can be very effective. They can use them to emphasis a point or usually to bring about an emotional impact on those that are watching. One caution should be ... Similar Editorial : 5 Magic Points by Tom Levine. | Source : Home Education
Remote Controls Galore--Replacement Remotes The other day we lost our remote control. Being of the older generation I told my grandkids to not panic and just go push the button on the television. They thought grandma was crazy. The buttons are on the remote they are not on the TV, those are just decorations.The next few m... Similar Editorial : Who Controls YOUR Happiness by Dr. David Thomas. | Source : Electronics and Gadgets
Positive And Negatives Of DVD Car Systems Car video systems are really catching on and many families are purchasing them to install in their present vehicles. The positives of having one in your car would probably include the following reasons, especially if you have children.1. They keep the children occupied with something to do other than to tease and torment each other while in the car.2. Car DVD systems give the back seat...... Similar Editorial : Create a Positive by JoAnna Brandi. | Source : Electronics Store
5 Important Mp3 Player Questions MP3 or a digital audio player to those in the know. For those people that are just catching up to technology or are a step or two behind technology, it is a listening device. You can down load music and take it with you instead of taking your tape deck and box or cassettes, or taking along your CD player and carting the pouch with your collection of CDs in it. These little devices can be taken...... Similar Editorial : Elite MP4 Player by Anna Wei. | Source : High Tech Gadgets
All Car Dvds Are Not Equal Imagine my surprise when I went looking for a DVD for my car. We were to take our grandkids for an extended road trip and I thought it would help it to a DVD player. The trouble is "monitor". I saw all these good priced monitors and thought that is real great to get the monitor and the DVD for that price. Then I discovered that they really did mean just the monitor. Not the DVD in a...... Similar Editorial : Traffic Equal Sales by Willie Crawford. | Source : Electronic Parts
Making A Long Road Trip With Children Tolerable So this is the year that you are going to take a thousand mile road trip. It would be fun and enjoyable with just your spouse, but now your family includes others. Those others include a preteen ten year old that is already developing a teen attitude. Also included is an over energetic eight year old son that thinks his purpose in life is to tease both of his sisters. Last of all there is that...... Similar Editorial : A Mindful Road Trip by Maya Talisman Frost. | Source : Sharp Electronic
Computer Phobias Years ago around the end of January I would develop Chinophobia (fear of snow). Maybe it was because we had 3-5 feet of snow and I was ready for spring. Over the years I have developed "temporary phobias" for a number of good reasons. A phobia is a handy way to get myself out of unpleasant situations. I developed Dentophobia (fear of the dentist) when my wisdom teeth decided to come in,...... Similar Editorial : The Computer by biggso. | Source : Desktop Computer Battery
Its A Jungle Back There Have you noticed that organization is in vogue now? Organization is a verb not a noun. Most people wished that it were a noun so that they could purchase it, but that is not the case. Organization takes action and that is a verb. You can buy products to organize your life in most stores. The more things you have the more things you need to organize those things. It is a vicious circle. This...... Similar Editorial : Welcome to the Jungle by Tyler Fawcett. | Source : What Is The Best Computer
To Buy Or Not To Buy, That Is The Question Games that were in short supply just a short time ago are now found all over and they range from $15 to $70 depending on your source. If you check e-bay you might even be able to get used one cheaper. There is a wide variety to choose from. They could almost be given the same rating system as movies. Ranging from G to X rated so you need to be sure to check out the box and see if that is...... Source : Information Technology Project Management
Philo T. Farnsworth-tv Inventor Recently I was reading a list of inventors of important inventions that affect our lives every day. I glanced down the list quickly looking for the inventor I knew most about because he once lived in this area. To my astonishment he was not on the list, in fact, the item he invented was not on the list. This really surprised me because most everyone now days has at least one or two of these in...... Source : Advance Computer Technology