Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil Prof. of Clinical and Chemical Pathology, Head of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Control Unit, Ain-Shams University. Cairo, Egypt. And, President of the Egyptian Society of Inventors. Member of the Egyptian union of Writers
The Hoopoe In Bible Versus Quran One of the inherited doctrines of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible. The Bible says that the Hoopoe is detested and unclean and forbid eating the Hoopoe.The Quran says that the Hoopoe is intelligent, smart, knows and worships his Creator, and communicated with King Solomon.Leviticus 11Unclean and Detested bird:13 "These are the birds you are to detest and not eat...... Similar Editorial : The Holy Quran by Professor Emeritus. | Source : World Religions
The Heart In Bible Versus Quran Before dealing with the topic of the heart in Quran versus Bible versus sciences, it is essential to remember that the total words in the Bible are 788,280 while total words in the Quran are 77,473. It follows that, the Bible is more than 10 times the Quran word-wise. In other words, the Bible has the potential of more than 10 times than the Quran to exhibit its topics.Back to the heart, it is...... Similar Editorial : Smoking Versus Heart Diseases by Kh Atiar Rahman. | Source : World Religions
The Semen In Bible And Quran One of the expanded dogmas of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible. This creed is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectual scholars In this series of articles (1-10), it is obvious that the Quran is quite different from the Bible. It is very clear that the Noble Quran preceded the sciences in many aspects while the Bible contradicts with the sciences. In...... Similar Editorial : How To Improve Semen by Amy Guven. | Source : World Religions
The Bat In Bible And Quran One of the inherited doctrines of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible.The Bible categorizes the Bat among the "BIRDS". Zoologists say that Bat is an animal (mammals). The Bible talks about flying birds that walk on all fours.Such creatures have not been present yet.This illustrates the contradictions between the Bible and Sciences. In next article about the Rabbit, you...... Similar Editorial : The Holy Quran by Professor Emeritus. | Source : World Religions
The Monthly Period In Bible And Quran One of the long-drawn-out dogmas of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible. This doctrine is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectual scholars which mischief us due to its unenthusiastic consequences on man's faith.In this series of articles (1-12), it is obvious that the Quran is quite different from the Bible. In addition, it is very clear that the Noble...... Similar Editorial : Cell Phone Trial Period by Syd Johnson. | Source : World Religions
The Iron In Bible And Quran Before dealing with the topic of the Iron in Quran versus Bible versus sciences, it is essential to remember that the total words of the Bible are 788,280 while total words of the Quran are 77,473. In addition, Iron is mentioned 91 times in the Bible and five times in the Quran. It follows that, the Bible has the potential of more than 10 times the Quran to talk about the Iron word-wise and/or...... Similar Editorial : The Iron Mask by Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.. | Source : World Religions
The Colors In Bible And Quran One of the expanded dogmas of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible. This creed is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectual scholars In this series of articles (1-14), it is obvious that the Quran is quite different from the Bible. It is also very clear that the Noble Quran preceded the sciences in many aspects. In the present topic of the Colors, the smart...... Similar Editorial : Primary Colors by Britt Gillette. | Source : World Religions
The Stars In Bible And Quran One of the inherited doctrines of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible. This Dogma is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectuals. In this series of articles, I will try to explore this Dogma on scientific basis to show up that it is forged.If we study any topic in Quran versus Bible, we will observe the big differences between both. If we link such...... Similar Editorial : Oregon Dank Stars by Michael Cook. | Source : World Religions
The Spider In Bible And Quran One of the expanded dogmas of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible. This creed is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectual scholars In this series of articles (1-16), it is obvious that the Quran is quite different from the Bible. It is also very clear that the Quran preceded the sciences in many aspects. In the present topic of the Spider, the smart...... Similar Editorial : Ferrari F430 Spider by Kelvin Ng. | Source : World Religions
The Raven In Bible And Quran One of the expanded dogmas of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible. This creed is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectual scholars In this series of articles (1-17), it is obvious that the Quran is quite different from the Bible. It is also very clear that the Noble Quran preceded the sciences in many aspects while the Bible contradicts with the sciences....... Similar Editorial : The Holy Quran by Professor Emeritus. | Source : World Religions