Sam Subramanian, PhD, MBA is Managing Principal of AlphaProfit Investments, LLC. Sam developed the ValuM™ Investment Process for managing investments. He edits the AlphaProfit Sector Investors' Newsletter™, a publication that discusses investments using Fidelity mutual funds. For the 5 year period ending December 31, 2003, AlphaProfit model portfolios increased by up to 252%, a compound annual return of 28.6%. To learn more about AlphaProfit and to subscribe to the FREE newsletter, visit
Mutual Funds Fees & Mutual Funds Expenses Metrics such as price/earnings ratio and dividend yield on the S&P 500 index, a commonly used proxy for the U.S. stock market, are hardly at bargain levels. This has lead several market pundits to predict single digit annual returns for domestic mutual funds over the next decade.While pursuing the search for the best mutual fund, some mutual fund investors tend to focus exclusively on fees and...... Similar Editorial : Mutual Funds by Sam Subramanian. | Source : Auto Bad Credit Loan Refinancing
Secure Your Retirement With A Rollover IRA In an era of corporate restructuring and outsourcing, Rollover IRA is among the most powerful means available for securing one’s retirement. Yet, its potential to enlarge one’s assets for the sunset years commonly remains under-appreciated.The Rollover IRA dramatically increases the range of choices available to you for investing your retirement savings. By offering investment choices hitherto...... Similar Editorial : SUV Rollover Deaths by Nick Johnson. | Source : Ira Tax Penalty
Morningstar Mutual Funds Fiduciary Grades Morningstar now provides Fiduciary Grades on mutual funds. How does Morningstar determine these grades? How can mutual fund investors use these grades to better manage their portfolios? Mutual fund investors use Morningstar Rating™ as a sign post of mutual fund performance. These ratings have proved to be a valuable tool for objectively comparing the performances of different mutual funds. In 2003...... Similar Editorial : Mutual Funds by Sam Subramanian. | Source : Real Estate Investment Group
How To Dissect Mutual Fund Returns On January 1, 2006, a leading financial daily reported the trailing 1-year and 5-year returns of Fidelity Contrafund (Nasdaq: FCNTX), a no-load mutual fund, as 16.23% and 6.21% respectively. While the financial daily’s return information is useful, there is more to mutual fund returns.Is the performance of the fund superior or inferior?How tax-efficient is the fund in delivering these returns?Are...... Similar Editorial : The Perfect Mutual Fund by Charles M. O'Melia. | Source : Property Investment Abroad
Constructing An All-Weather Mutual Fund Portfolio This article describes methods of constructing an all-weather portfolio. Before getting into the nitty-gritty of constructing an all-weather portfolio, it helps to know how equity mutual funds are classified and how their performance is impacted by market conditions.Classification by Market Capitalization & StyleEquity funds are commonly classified based on market capitalization of the...... Source : Property Investment Abroad