Simon Mitchell From an ebook called ‘Wild Food’ underway at simonthescribe. If you wish to republish this article (with resource box intact) you will find excellent quality pictures to accompany it at AND STRAWBERRY JAM.html
Tayberry Jam The taste of Summer, bursting with flavour and anti-oxidant effects. Tayberries are a Raspberry / Blackberry cross that combines the best of both. Big, succulent fruits that crop early. Blackberries ...... Source : Healthy Food Recipes
Rowan Jelly (Mountain Ash - Pyrus Aucuparia) Sharp and sour but sweet and succulent all at the same time, this traditional accompanyment to cold meat is bursting with flavour, and folklore ! ‘Rowan tree and red thread - have the witches a...... Similar Editorial : Jelly Beans by dorrie6061. | Source : Healthy Food Recipes
Vibrational Medicine Vibrational medicine attempts to treat people with various forms of pure energy. The influence of alternative medical systems such as Chinese, Ayervedic or Tibetan medicine have led in part to the de...... Similar Editorial : Medicine Remedies by rsbombard. | Source : Health Facts
Wild Medicine And Tansy Cakes It started with the Tansy cakes. I had to ask myself 'Why would anyone eat anything so utterly disgusting in taste'? Chrysanthemum Vulgare is a common perennial in the British Isles and the name Tans...... Similar Editorial : Wedding Cakes by Michelle Davis . | Source : Health Facts
Subtle Body Imaging Systems Work with electrical fields that surround animals and plants suggests the presence of an energy body. Studies using Kirlian photography show energy fields surrounding physical objects although there ...... Similar Editorial : Subtle Addictions by Dr. Margaret Paul. | Source : Health Facts
What Is Cancer? Cancer is a process that has always effected animals, it is just as common in domestic and farm animals, birds and fishes as it is in humans. Western scientific medicine has been effective in minimis...... Similar Editorial : Cancer Is An Energy by Simon Mitchell. | Source : Health Facts
W.H.O. Gets Cancer Below The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) summarise what we know about cancer from scientific research: Cancer is largely preventable: by stopping smoking, providing healthy food and avoiding the ...... Source : Health Facts
Orthodox Cancer Treatment 1. Diagnosis Diagnosis is a strength of Western scientific medicine because of its dependence on analytical procedures and processes of elimination. Modern technology has given us many ways to see in...... Similar Editorial : Prostate Cancer Treatment by verlyn. | Source : Health Facts
Cancer Is An Energy Einstein, a genius scientist of the 20th century, and central to the new energy physics, stated that ‘a problem cannot be solved by the same mind set that created it’. Cancer is a case in...... Similar Editorial : More Energy by Sasha James. | Source : Health Facts
The French Paradox The French, in terms of diet and disease, are a statistical enigma. They relish high fat food, consume alcohol regularly and often smoke - the very picture of the World Health Organisation’s ...... Similar Editorial : Obesity Paradox by kgmarkd. | Source : Health Facts
Digging Up Earthnuts Conopodium Majus The custom of grubbing for Earthnuts, or Pignuts is as ancient as mankind itself. Although these tasty tubers are beloved of pigs hence the name they are a most unusual and rewarding woodland snack and there was a time when they were a popular nibble for country children on their way to and from sch... Source : Types of Nuts