High Tech Jobs Are Growing Fast Five high tech jobs are on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' latest list of the 30 fastest-growing jobs in the U.S. from 2004 to 2014. Two of these jobs are also on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' latest list of the 30 jobs that will grow the most in total numbers.The two jobs that are o... Similar Editorial : The Tech by M6.net. | Source : Career Advancement
How To Guarantee Youre Never Fired Or Laid Off Here's the suggestion: Be your own boss.You may never grow a company from garage to the NASDAQ stock exchange as Bill Gates and Larry Ellison and other techies have done. But there're thousands of small companies across the world run by techies. No reason you can't start one yourself.... Similar Editorial : About To Be Fired by pmegan. | Source : How to Write a Resume
Why Techies Who Dont Believe In ESP Make More Money I used to work for a psychic hotline and techies did call me, believe it or not.Most techies don't call psychic hotlines, but it's obvious they still believe in ESP. They believe that the non-techies learn technical knowledge just by contacting a techie, even though the techie does not... Similar Editorial : Make Money by Darrell Knox. | Source : Resume Templates
9 Ways To Get An MCSE Or CNE Without Wasting $5000-$9000 Here're my suggestions. None of them apply to everybody. Hopefully one will fit you.1. Buy good certification books.I was told by a training school recruiter that the recommended MCSE process was to take a class for 3 full days, then study for a month, then take the certific... Similar Editorial : Payday Loans 5000 by Jonesh Taylor. | Source : Resume Objectives
Raising Self-Esteem For Job Seekers -- 6 Steps Hang a sign around your neck saying, "Kick Me" -- and someone will.Report to a job interview with scared eyes, a nervous voice and shoulders slumped with resignation -- and you're forcing the interviewer to reject you.That's why your mental image of your value -- your sel... Similar Editorial : Raising Children by Melissa Fishman. | Source : Cover Letter Writing
Protect Yourself From Bird Flu During a bird flu pandemic, being close to other people will be dangerous.If you're a professional who can perform any or all of your work at home, you should take advantage of this to keep yourself away from possibly infected people at your job site -- and yet continue to earn your pay... Similar Editorial : Bird Flu by rickstooker. | Source : Elderly Health Care
Bird Flu And Illegal Immigration A bird flu pandemic will change many things around the world, and one thing that the United States government must consider in its bird flu plans is the effect of illegal immigration.When people are dying right and left, it's only human nature that people want to blame somebody for thei... Similar Editorial : Immigration to Canada by George Laczko. | Source : Mental Health Care
Why We Cannot Depend On A Vaccine To Save Us From Bird Flu With current vaccine technology a vaccine cannot save us from a pandemic of contagious bird flu. Although criticized as fearmongering, the ABC made for TV movie First Contact: Bird Flu in America was overly optimistic. Neither us nor the French nor anybody else is going to development an... Similar Editorial : Flu Vaccine Hysteria by Lee Cummings. | Source : Mental Health Care
Bird Flu -- How The Nightmare Begins Somewhere in Southeast Asia (or Africa, the Mid-East, Europe etc) . . . A hen clucks and shifts around in her perch. She sniffs and sneezes. Inside the lining of her respiratory tract and lungs, millions of influenza viruses -- commonly called A/H5N1 or bird flu -- are infect... Similar Editorial : Bird Flu by jstanton85. | Source : Mental Health Clinics
Protect Against Bird Flu The best way to protect yourself from bird flu during a pandemic is to avoid all contact with other people.However, this is impossible for people who must continue to report to a place of employment. Work will be especially dangerous if your job is to meet and deal with the public.... Similar Editorial : What is Bird Flu by alizalevine. | Source : Migraine Treatment