Pizza Base

If you don’t have a pizza base, you can’t have a pizza! Well that’s true isn’t it? You need a base to start off with if you want to make a Home Style Pizza.

Here is an easy and hassle free way to making a pizza base without all the mess and fanfare.

Actually you don’t have to make the base as it is already made for you! The base that I am talking about is the PITA Bread!! That’s right Lebanese Pita Bread.

This is an easy way to make a Home Style Pizza. All you need is the pizza toppings and a Pita bread and presto you have a pizza.

This is what you need to do:

When you get a hold of the pita bread turn it over (usually the lighter side to be used as the base to place the toppings onto).

Add the fresh toppings as desired (don’t forget the pizza sauce!)

Place under the grill or small pizza oven. (I have a small pizza oven that cooks dual layer – top and bottom). It cooks both sides and when completed, the pizza doesn’t sag. It stays firm and it’s slightly crisp.

This is an easy way to having a pizza base without actually making it.

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