Each crystal, therefore, is like a shutter, either allowing light to pass through or blocking the light. LCD screen has no static, not even to raise a hair on the back of a hand, and the screen and the entire unit is only slightly warm, hardly enough for convection currents. Compare that to placing your hand over the back ducts on a CRT, nearly enough to fry an egg!
The main advantage of LCD displays is that they take up less desk space and are lighter.
• When the beam current of a CRT is increased to boost brightness, the beam spot size also increases, which lowers effective resolution and may yield a soft or fuzzy image.
• There is no flicker on an LCD display because, while a CRT must be refreshed, the LCD has a constant source of light over the whole screen.
Once a pixel is on, it stays on until turned off.
• The power required to run an LCD is about one-third of that required for a CRT with the same screen area. In addition, the amount of heat generated by an LCD monitor is considerably less than a CRT monitor, resulting in a lower load on air conditioning.
• LCD prices have been decreasing in recent years. When the total cost of ownership is considered-including savings in power consumption and lifespan-LCDs are now less expensive than many CRTs.
• An LCD is essentially emission-free, while a CRT monitor can generate electric, magnetic and even X-ray emissions due to the high-voltage power supply necessary to drive the CRT. An LCD causes no electromagnetic interference.
Computer Monitor comes in a range of different prices. You can find some forms of cheap computer monitors from as little as Rs.5600 to over Rs.160000. Price ranges for computer monitors general depend on the manufacturers and whether it is a standard monitor, flatscreen monitor or LCD monitor. There are many quality manufacturers of computer monitors like View sonic, NEC, Samsung, Proview
, Dell or CTX and many more.
How do I know what type of Computer Monitors I need?Most of the time all monitors is compatible with your personal computer or laptop. As always check your personal computers manufacturer specifications to be sure that the monitor you are shopping for is right for you.