Many other organizations are looking to an open source alternatives that cost less and don’t require a huge effort to rewrite an abundance of code. Publishing organizations are looking to an XML platform to put on top of their current system. What companies want is a publishing software solution to access already written content and the ability to re-use the same content to create new and profitable solutions.
With a high-quality open source XML content server, your business is able to expose exiting applications, integrate, reuse and manage content and effortlessly create new works.
With an SOA XML platform, publishers can build content applications to publish new works online, dynamically create new texts, reduce time to market and costs for new products, and retain digital rights through distribution.
An XML content server will make the most of your company’s content.
The XML platform is schema independent. It can effortlessly handle new and fast-changing metadata formats without the need to normalize to any predefined schema.
Since there is no data latency for reloading content, new publications are instantly available for delivery. Companies need publishing software technology to feature their trademarked content and compete in the growing digital publishing market. Imagine the possibilities publishers can have with this exciting publishing software:
- Booksellers and universities can combine efforts and allow professors and other leaders in education create texts specifically for their class, because they are able to pull and drag any type of content from a publisher, for a fee and create a new publication specifically tailored to their class.
- They now have a vital new way to respond to declining book sales and consumers opting for online references by giving customers exactly what they want when they want it.
Become apart of the online movement, take advantage of all of your industries content with high tech, high quality publishing software.