Using the Right Programming Language That Suits You

By: Jon Caldwell

One of the languages developed on top of the Java Virtual Machine is the Jython, and this project began in 1997. the development of the language has been passed on to several lead developers until Sun Microsystems took over and worked full time on it. Jython 2.2 which is the latest release matches up to the CPython 2.2 release but later, its developers shifted to a new direction for its implementation using ASM and ANTLR to hasten development time. With the interactive interpreter found inside the jar file, you can discover the capabilities of Jython, most specially in executing files.

When using the Open Source Software for commercial gain minus the tricks and preserving the community and openness aspects, there are two things to consider: that payment is collected proportionate to the advantage gained from the software; and that active user in the community can have the assurance that their license charges is compensated in relation to their code contributions. This means a user is allowed to have open access to the source code, allowed to redistribute it, and free rights to make changes to the code; being able to initiate some limited charges supported by certain restricted types of program execution, and agreeing to cash or in kind payments.

Open source software and open source documents are fast gaining popularity. It is firmly gaining a growing market share as well as getting the corporate and the public's interests. It is also quickly entering mainstream, being in the technology world starting 1998. However its concept began alongside the birth of computing. Frequently Asked Questions list or FAQs were the first documents to be known as having used the open source software but beside this information little is known about this list. Open source needs good documentation to spread out to new users and three forms are currently in use: ReadMe files, Manual pages, and HowTo documents.

There are two types of software being used: the conventional closed source from software vendors; and the open source, with Linux and MySQL as examples. Both software have managed to be on the same footing and is in existence probably almost at the same time, around the start of the computing world. Recently, customers are expressing disappointment over the closed source protocol software but are not inclined to be completely dependent on the open source programs. They are looking for warranties, agreements and vendor assurance that they have qualified and committed developers. Their areas of concern with open source deal with collaborative source software and license and feedback from it.

Web Services for Remote Portal provides a pattern for the portal application to allocate portlets between portals. It is the facility to produce an interface to useful function that can be used throughout the enterprise with little or no changes to existing code. Almost all of the newest versions of commercial and open space portal products support it. The key procedure is similar to earlier web services - producer provides WSDL that directs the consumer on how to create a SOAP request. SOAP responses are obtained at the presentation level and the consumer then decides where to display them. Being simple, it provides whatever the enterprise needs to reuse portals across the enterprise.


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