According the Jerry List, "QC Software has identified the trends and patterns that make some companies more suited to a warehouse control system than others. By simply answering ten key questions we are able to quickly discern if there is a good match in WCS or if other solutions might better serve the organization."
From systems currently used to manage the enterprise to technologies used for order picking, the WCS Analyzer identifies core issues about the efficacy of warehouse control systems. Current shipping methods and types of automated material handling equipment further assist in clarification of WCS opportunities. The ability to look at near future (next six months) growth and current use of a WMS (warehouse management system) also provide a level of technology clarity. Dropped connections and communication with host systems help to examine if there is a weak link in the current system; whereas volume of orders per day and industry sector shipping urgency also is assessed. To complete the WCS Analyzer by QC Software, and receive a customized critical analysis, go to
QC Software is dedicated to providing a warehouse control system (WCS) when it is needed and appropriate. The WCS Analyzer will help identify critical weaknesses in an existing business system, and propose the types of solutions needed. The WCS Analyzer is a tool developed exclusively by QC Software and only takes a few minutes to complete. At the conclusion of the checkup, QC Software provides respondents with a custom report.
A checklist of WCS areas of expertise must include:
&bull Operations audits
&bull Supply chain strategy development and master planning
&bull Process analysis and optimization
&bull Location modeling, transportation, logistics, and distribution network analysis
&bull Inventory analysis and control
&bull Vendor/supplier collaboration
&bull Material handling equipment (MHE) requirements
&bull Analysis, specification development, and bid administration
&bull Warehouse management system (WMS) requirements
&bull Project management, systems integration, and implementation
WCS vendors must develop a strategic partnership with a manufacturing and distribution firm in which there is a clear understanding of the organization's unique shipping needs, and actively assist in reaching and measuring cost reduction goals and service needs.
Warehouse control systems must address numerous challenges from multiple angles and perspectives, but if these are met they can produce benefits including a greater return on assets, increased operational capacity, reduced labor costs, increased inventory turns, an increase in picking and shipping accuracy, shorter process cycle times and improved customer satisfaction.
The WCS solutions provided by QC Software enables companies to streamline their warehouse operations with the lowest total cost of ownership in the industry ensuring increased corporate profitability.