Legacy Forecasting Issues | Digital Kanban Solutions

By: Thomas Cutler

Digital Kanban solutions within the demand-driven supply chain impact profit margins in several ways: by decreasing expense side tangible cost associated with legacy forecast management solutions, increase profit margins through efficiency gains. Increased customer satisfaction may result in additional sales to new as well as existing customers. Automated Kanban can dramatically reduce inventory, increase turns, and eliminate stock outs while enhancing supplier relations and customer satisfaction.

According to Datacraft Solutions' CEO Stephen Parker, the negatives with legacy forecasting include:
&bullThe general problem with forecast systems is that they are always wrong. The further out into the future the forecast the more wrong they are likely to be.
&bullProducts are manufactured based on forecast versus actual demand. This results in overproduction and waste.
&bullLack of visibility outside the four walls into the supply chain and lack of suppliers' visibility into the production cycles.

Manual Kanban presents numerous challenges:
&bullUnreliable due to too many human touch points.
&bullUnacknowledged responses due to the manual process.
&bullCards are controlled manually and susceptible to loss.
&bullLack of visibility.
&bullLack of timely automated reporting capability.

These issues are resolved by automated or digital kanban.

Software as a Service is a rapid, efficient and cost effective approach to implementing Automated Kanban.

Datacraft Solutions (www.datacraftsolutions.com) delivers a revolutionary digital kanban process of automation solutions to lean manufacturers through a secure Internet gateway, eliminating the need to install and maintain a complex IT infrastructure. The company has experienced significant growth in the past twelve months by eliminating complicated, expensive, time-intensive software implementations as well as extensive training regiments and the need for internal support. The Datacraft Solutions' demand driven supply chain digital kanban lean system allows customers access and fully utilize powerful lean benefits immediately for a low, predictable monthly fee. Services are scalable so manufacturers can design an appropriate digital kanban solution.


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