It's not important if you dont know how to programm, design, optimize sites or do similar things. You can still earn money doing things everybody knows. Start working from your home today, without any extra investments. You can do many 'non-technical' things. Some of them are writing (articles, reviews ...), data research/collection (finding specified info on the web), data entry (mostly copy/paste), translation and many more. Offcourse for all those technical people, there are things like programming, design, seo and others. Sites to find jobs/projects : Scriptlance - This is a great website. Most of my projects were done on this website. And I recomend it. While it's name determins that most of the jobs are in web development, there are other not so technical jobs as article writing, data entry, data collection (research) and others. You dont need to pay for signup, their fees are one of the lowest (5%) and you can withdraw money in many ways. They also offer escrow system, so you are enshured from cheaters. Users can leave a feedback about eachother - wich is a nice option.
Rent A Coder - I did only one project over this one. The overall mood on this site somehow isnt right, but never the less, you can find lot's of different jobs there, not just coding. Also there are some restrictions that make communication with the buyer a little dificult, and they dont offer bank wire withdraw - wich I like to use. Their fee is 18%, one more reason for me not to use it to much.
Freelancers Network - This is a UK based website. So naturaly many of the jobs are UK specific. Offcourse there are many jobs that you can work from anywhere in the world from your home. The good thing it's FREE, yup no fees, at the same time, that's the bad news, and it might happend that you finish the job, and not get paid. That canot happend when using escrow systems.
There are many other websites. But these should be enough for you to start. Eventialy you will realise that it's best to concentrate on one or two of this websites. Mainly for the reason of feedback. Most freelance websites offer a way that buyers rate service providers after project is completed, and few good rates, with some nice words about you can work magic in geting future bids. So at first it might we wise that you bid a little lower than people with more feedback. But dont think that giving the lowest bid, will enshure that you are picked. Sometimes I won bids even if there were people that had much more projects behind them, and less bids. Your words also decide, make nice bid text, send personal message with questions if you have some, and details of what you plan to do. Also you will realise that many of the people wich you found over this sites, will contact you latter for some additional work (if you worked ok for the first time) - so you will start to build your regular clients. Good luck with your bids !
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