The Difference Between Mace and Pepper Spray

By: Ron Mcbride

The Difference Between Mace And Pepper Spray
A common misconception among society is that all pepper spray is mace. Mace is a widely used kind of pepper spray by law enforcement personnel, which has led to the public often referring to all kinds of pepper spray as mace. However, mace is actually just one of many different forms of pepper spray.
Although mace is a form of pepper spray, it is also the name of a unique manufacturer. There are a number of manufacturers that distribute pepper spray, and Mace is one of them. You can think of it like car companies battling, such as Ford and Chevrolet and Dodge. One of Mace's biggest competitors is a company called Pepper Shot.
A majority of the pepper spray brand names are available to the general public for private use. While it can be dangerous, most names are open to the public as a matter of safety. Pepper spray is an extremely effective defense mechanism in the case of you needing protection.

Just like cars, each manufacturer has something different to offer you and the rest of the public. There are different patterns that come out, which each manufacturer differs on a little bit. The two main types of sprays are the cone spray and the stream spray. And as you could probably guess, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The stream pattern tends to have a farther range than the cone pattern. It does, however, require active aiming of the spray into the attackers face. This can be a disadvantage in a hectic situation where you are discombobulated. As for the cone pattern, you have a much wider spread and just have to get a general aim toward the attacker.
There are a number of other things that need to be taken into consideration when purchasing your pepper spray. For instance, on a windy day or night the cone spray will be blown all over and can potentially come back at you. Also, the cone spray has an instant impact whereas the stream spay make take a short while before coughing begins to occur.
As mentioned, there are advantages and disadvantages to both, which makes it difficult to decide. Ultimately, you are not going to be able to predict when and where you are going to be attacked. Therefore, you cannot purchase one with the intent that it will be windy the day you are attacked. Because of this, your best bet may be to get one of each.
Although mace is not the same thing as every pepper spray, it is a form and the most popular manufacturer. While it is the most popular, there are many manufacturers to choose from. And within the various manufacturers, there are different kinds of sprays as well that can save you from the event of an attack.

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