The Golf Ball And Your Handicap
by James Langmead. For the regular golfer the news on the modern golf ball is all good. The ball doesn't slice or hook anywhere near as much as it did 15 years ago and it goes a lot further. But why hasn't the average club member's handicap dropped. The answer is almo...
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The Benefits Of A Golf Swing Analyzer
by D Fraser. Are you looking to give yourself an edge in the game of golf over your friends. Continually slicing or hooking the ball in the woods on the first tee? A golf swing analyzer is specifically for finding those minute points of your swing mechanics that...
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Fixing Your Golf Slice...Finally
by Mike Pedersen. Fixing your golf slice can be a big pain in the "you know what!" If you're a slicer of the ball, you know firsthand how frustrating it is to cure this wicked swing fault.I'll bet you've tried everything right? Lessons. Videos. Books. The Golf Chan...
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Golf in Dublin
by Steve Danzel. Lush green fairways, eye-catching views, state-of-the-art training facilities, wide area, bright sky, fine trees, and excellent weather... all these features combine to make an idea
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Golf Club Components Explained
by John Pawlett. To understand how to buy golf club components, you first need to know how these parts work and what they are in the first place. So let's begin in this way. If you know the parts already, treat this portion as a short review of Golf 101.The GripFirs...
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Golf and Health go Hand in Hand
by Michael Stollery. Golf in the main is a gentle and, most of all, a very good sport for our bodies. Playing regularly provides the body with an overall work out, which in a short space of time is evident in our physical appearance. A number of health benefits from pla...
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Learning Good Golf Swing Mechanics
by D Fraser. We all want to have more power in our golf swing. Want to see that ball go sailing off the tee straight down the fairway a couple of hundred yards. Now of course we've all also seen someone consistently do that at a course on Sunday afternoon, so ef...
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How To Choose A Golf Bag
by Cathy Peterson. Whether you are a beginner or a pro when it comes to playing golf, every golf enthusiast knows that next to the clubs the kind of golf bag you will be using is also important. You might be asking how a golf bag could affect your game directly. It do...
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Tips On Buying Your First Set Of Golf Clubs
by Thomas Cash. Before buying your very first set of golf clubs, keep these important ideas and tips in mind.First, try to understand how often you will be playing the game. If your only intention is to play a couple of times a year in the company scramble or bette...
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A Good Drive is 70% of Your Golf Game
by Dave Zegers. Driving is the most important aspect of golf, a good drive can win or loose a game for you, and it is all about grip, position of you to the ball and concentration, here are some tips for a good drive Well-timed grip is important in driving. If you ...
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Golf Tips and Tricks- Improving Your Grip
by Stanley Amazan. The placement of your hands on the golf club believe it or not has a lot to do with your golf game. Holding the club can vastly improve your game providing you follow these tips. You will notice a difference. The first basic understanding is that th...
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Golf Swing Teaching Aids Friend Or Foe
by D Fraser. Amateur golf players are generally always looking for one thing, how to improve their game in a hurry. Exactly how can you accomplish this? There's really only one way to do this and it's with a good training schedule and the right golf teaching aid...
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