Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Languages

Learn Spanish Cds-the Right or Wrong Way to Learn Spanish?
by Charles Smith.Do you want to learn Spanish? Cd courses are widely available these days that will enable you to do just that, only are they the right way to go? Many people will argue that the best way to learn a new language is to just jump right in and find some ...
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What to Know Before Starting a Spanish Language Course
by Charles Smith.If you are trying to learn Spanish, one of the best things you can do is to get yourself some learn Spanish Cds. The courses and programs that are available these days are simply amazing, and will really put your efforts into overdrive. However, ther...
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The Best Way to Learn Spanish
by Charles Smith.The best way to learn Spanish truly differs for every person. Just like the best way to do anything is different for each person, I could tell you to learn Spanish by reading Spanish romance novels, and you may hate it, but a fan of romance novels ma...
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Learn Spanish Words Right Now
by Charles Smith.You need to learn Spanish words before you can speak Spanish! Luckily, as a language Spanish is very close to English, so it's not impossible to learn a handful of words and conduct some basic conversations. Indeed, many Spanish vacationers get by wi...
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Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way
by Charles Smith.Want to learn Spanish the fast and fun way? In the modern digital age there is definitely more than one way to learn any foreign language, and it's never been easier to make it a fun endeavour. With the technology available to us today, you can find ...
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Learn Spanish With Software
by Charles Smith.If you want to learn Spanish, software may really be the way to go. The advances in modern technology mean that the software available now to teach you Spanish is second only to visiting Spain itself! It's literally amazing what some of this stuff ca...
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Learn Spanish Program
by Charles Smith.Are you looking for a learn Spanish program? If so you're definitely in the right place. There are many different programs and courses available these days to teach you just about any language in the world, and some of the best ones are for learning ...
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Problems & Solutions in Learning Spanish Language
by Douglas Bower.It is not an exaggeration to declare that the United States of America could be the only country in the world where one can graduate from high school and even college without taking one course of foreign language study. Of those few schools which sti...
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How To Begin Spanish Language Learning
by Douglas Bower.The Horse, as I wrote previously, is spoken fluency. I made the point that long before they go off to first grade, children already have a high degree of spoken fluency in their native tongue before they learn the parts of speech or memorize grammar ...
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Reasons to Learn Spanish As A Second Language
by Douglas Bower.Why should an American learn a foreign language in the 21st century? What and where is the need? If we are not connected in close proximity to our International Neighbors, as are Europeans, then why should Americans learn another language? Why should...
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Learning Conversational Spanish
by Douglas Bower.Think about this very seriously for a moment. If you have children, just think what degree of spoken fluency your child had when you first packed him off to first grade. Think of all he could understand and say before he ever started his formal educa...
Similar Editorials : Learning Spanish

How To Learn Spanish
by Douglas Bower.What do we know so far? We found the best approach to language learning is to learn Spanish the very same way you learned your native tongue. Lots and lots of intensive listening without speaking comes first. This is how you learned your native langu...
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Learning Spanish Language
by Douglas Bower.There are two additional courses that I recommend. In fact, they are so effective that these, along with The Learnables, I credit with helping on my road to a high degree of spoken fluency. These courses are Pimsleur Spanish and Learning Spanish Like...
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Methods Of Learning Spanish
by Douglas Bower.My purpose in this series (which I failed to make clear, apparently, from the beginning) has been to do two things. One is to show the progression of second language acquisition instruction in its historical development through 350-word articles. The...
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Silent Method Of Learning Spanish
by Douglas Bower.A most bizarre philosophy of education called "Discovery Learning," based partly on the educational ideas of Rousseau, Pestalozzi and Dewey, led to The Silent Way Method of Second Language acquisition. It also enjoyed the support of psycho-babblists ...
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Audiolingual Spanish Learning Method
by Douglas Bower.This method of second language instruction was a further development or evolution of The Direct Method. World War II rose up and slapped the U.S. government in its linguistically challenged face, waking it to the need and definite lack of language co...
Similar Editorials : Learning Spanish

Learning Spanish: Translation Method Of Language Instruction
by Douglas Bower.The grammar translation method of second language acquisition is virtually the only method used in most language courses taught in classrooms all over the world. It is also known as The Classical Method. This method was developed over centuries to te...
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Learning Spanish Language: Suggestopedia
by Douglas Bower.Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian psychologist, introduced what he undoubtedly thought an original and brilliant premise: "... students naturally set up psychological barriers to learning - based on fears that they will be unable to perform and are limited...
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Learning Spanish: Language Learning Versus Language Acquisition
by Douglas Bower.In the field of second language acquisition, Stephen Krashen, Ph.D, is a name that rises above the academic din that usually begins when the subject of Language Acquisition versus Language Learning is brought up. The noise becomes even more deafening...
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Learning Spanish - Monitoring Hypothesis
by Douglas Bower.Dr. Krashen explains that this idea, The Monitor Hypothesis, shows how language learning (grammar) affects language acquisition. This is, according to Krashen, the useful outcome of learning grammar. It acts as a "monitor" of spoken language. Krashen...
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Learning Spanish Has Never Been Easier
by Douglas Bower.Mnemonic memory training is a memory system that allows you to store information in and recall it from your long-term memory, and, in the case of learning a new language, your speech center. Mnemonics gives you a way to organize information, store it...
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Learning Spanish Through Listening
by Douglas Bower.The place most worth considering where instruction in how to learn a second language abounds just might surprise you. Africa is the place where more people are multilingual than anywhere else in the world. Thousands of her people speak multiple diale...
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Conversing In Spanish
by Steven Magill.Hablas Espanol? Well, in Spain the predominant language spoken is Castillian or Espanol, however there are several other languages spoken which are now are officially recognised by the Spanish government.Three of these languages are Catalan, Euskara ...
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The Art Of Spanish Travel
by Leroy K. Calstard.If you have a desire to see some of the best art in Spain, look no further than the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia on Calle Santa Isabel 52. Among the masterpieces hanging on the walls are works from Solana, Miro and Picasso.One of the mo...
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Learn Basic Spanish Words
by Charles Smith.Learning basic Spanish words is the first step toward actually being able to communicate in the Spanish language. Learn basic spanish words can give you a real leg up and help you progress into more complicated phrases, as you'll actually be able to ...
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