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Useful Information About Siamese Cat
The Siamese Cat is a mysterious looking breed that originated in Siam, hence the name, Siamese Cat. Siam, which is now Thailand calls them Wichian Maat. There are many breeds of cat that are offshoots of the Siamese Cat. The Burmese, Balinese, Colorp...
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Dog Treat Recipes: Only the Best for your Best Friend
People always ask me to recommend some high quality treats for their furry friends and I always lovingly suggest that the best way to make sure your pup has the best is to read the labels! Make sure the ingredients in your treats are all natural. T...
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Choosing The Right Dog
Choosing The Right DogBy KerryThere are many things to consider when a decision has been made to get a dog. Answering these questions will determine how pleasant you dog ownership experience will be. Just remember that the cutest puppy will grow up t...
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The Neutered Male Cat
The neutering of cats, castration under general anaesthetic of males and removing the ovaries (ovariectomy) of females, again under general anaesthetic, carries with it many benefits for animal and owner. Toms are far less inclined to wander off from...
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Some Helpful Tips for Choosing the Right Tropical Fish
by g1234ray.If you are starting out new in your tropical fish hobby then you may be wondering just what type of fish you should get. Perhaps you want something a bit more advanced than the traditional goldfish that sat on your dresser as a child. The good news...
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Picking the Right Aquarium Size for Your Tropical Fish
by g1234ray.Perhaps you've enjoyed your tropical fish for many years, or maybe you are just getting started with this wonderful hobby. Whatever the case, you may have questions and concerns about how to size your aquarium to best fit your needs. Finding the ri...
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Tips on Choosing a Vet
Your vet is an important partner in caring for your pets. Regular visits to the vet for checkups allow both you and your vet to spot any problems before they become serious. Sometimes, small changes that you have not notice but are serious can be ver...
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Common Diseases of Tropical Fish and What to Do About Them
by g1234ray.While tropical fish can be a wonderful hobby that many people enjoy, they also can be susceptible to diseases that if not caught early on can lead to early death of the fish and also risk of it spreading to other fish in the same habitat. Although t...
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Protecting Your Pets from Heat problems this summer
Summer time is fast approaching and this is the best time we can spend quality time with our dogs. But we know that summer is not all fun & games be because we need to prepare ourselves from the tremendous heat that we are going to experience during ...
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Cool Tools for Pet Pests
There are LOTS of products to protect your dogs, cats, ferrets, mice, rats etc., and if you give me a minute I'll be more than happy to sell you all of them, but today I'm out to save you some money, get you much closer to your pet, and eliminate the...
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Pet Food Safety - Home Made Can Eliminate Uncertainty
The latest outbreak of dog food and cat food contamination has shaken the confidence of pet owners the world over, but nowhere as much as in the United States where illness and reported deaths took its highest toll of family pets. Now, in the afterm...
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Wobbers Syndrome in Doberman Pinschers
by dogtrng.Doberman : Wobbler’s syndromeThe Doberman Pinscher, bred to be an outstanding guard-dog, is very energetic. The Doberman, unfriendly and ferocious as it might seem, loves to be physically close to its family members.Highly intelligent, fearless and...
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Early Socialization for a Greyhound
by dogtrng.Greyhound: SocializationOne, who owns a greyhound or is looking to own one, should be aware of the fact that socialization is a very important factor, where these dogs are concerned.The greyhounds, as the statistics support, have been mostly racing d...
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Doggy Odor in Labrador Retrievers
Doggy Odor in Your LabradorWhy does a Labrador have doggy odor?Like any other animal, dogs will walk, run, and play in areas that might result in their gathering dirt, disease, or odor. The Labrador retriever may begin to produce odor due to a numbe...
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Suspiciousness Towards Strangers in Dachshunds
Suspiciousness Towards Strangers In DachshundsWhy do Dachshunds tend to be suspicious?Dachshunds tend to be suspicious because it is part of the Dachshunds breed’s specific instincts. Dachshunds can become suspicious when they are not socialized pr...
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Submissive / Excitement Urination in Cocker Spaniels
Submissive / Excitement Urination in Cocker SpanielsWhy and When do Cocker Spaniels Urinate?Many Cocker Spaniels have a tendency to urinate (pee) when excited or scared, which can happen to other breeds as well, particularly when they are puppies. E...

Aggression in Boxer Dogs
Aggression in Boxer DogsThere are certain breeds of dogs that tend to be more aggressive than others. We all have heard stories of pit bulls, chow-chows, and boxers that show aggressive behavior, growling, snarling, and even biting people and other a...
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How to Choose the Right Dog Breeder
How to Choose the Right BreederOnce you have decided that you want to adopt a dog, the next step will obviously be to decide where you are going to buy it from. While pet shops are the most common and easily available points of purchase, the discerni...
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Why Do People Want to Adopt a Dog
Why Do People Want To Adopt a DogSince time immemorial, dogs have held a secure place in man’s hearth and home, whether it be merely for use as mousers and ratters, as in the middle ages, or to act as a guard of the household or purely as a compani...
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The Contamination of Pet Food and Some Frightening Revelations
Recent months have proven to be nothing short of an evolving period of crisis for the American food industry, dealing first of all with the nightmare of contaminated spinach. Soon afterwards, deadly microbes began showing up in peanut butter, of all...
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Why Homemade Healthy Dog Food Recipes Are Better For Your Dog
Why Homemade Healthy Dog Food Recipes Are Better For Your DogThe latest pet food recall demonstrates that pet food can be unhealthy and that our pets are at a great risk of being poisoned. Our pets depend on us for their health and safety and pet own...
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Ceasar Dog Food - Premium Dog Food
Ceasar dog food is designed for small dogs and is a well know premium brand. The marketing techniques used at Ceasar are meant to entice those dog owners that want to give their canine friend the best quality diet as possible. Ceasar dog food procl...
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Dog Treats are Great, but Chocolate is Dangerous
Nothing gives more satisfaction than rewarding our dogs when they do something right. Whether its mastering a new trick or simply giving us unconditional love, we want to treat them to something delicious. Its important to remember though, that one...
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Training Your Dog With a Clicker
In this article I am going to discuss clicker training and its use in training dogs. Most people have heard of clicker training but have no clue what it actually is, in this article I will discuss what clicker training is, how to start using it as we...
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Controlling your Chihuahuas Disobedience
by dogtrng.Why Won't My Chihuahua Listen To Me?This is common question that most first-time chihuahua owners ask me. Before I answer your question, let me ask you a few * Do you use cookies, collars, head halters or clickers to make your dog listen to your c...
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