PHP On-The-Fly!
Topic : PHP & PHP Scripts
by Dennis Pallett.Introduction PHP can be used for a lot of different things, and is one of the most powerful scripting languages available on the web. Not to mention it's extremely cheap and widely used. However, one...
Give Your Website A Chance
by Elizabeth McGee.I often wonder how serious people are when it comes to their websites. I thought that most everyone knew that the phrase "Build it and they will come" no longer applies on the internet but I'm not s...
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Guide to Building a Website
by shuttercold.Even the more advanced coder would blanch at the thought of having to create a music player to embed in a website, and adding a payment solution for a small business or club isn't exactly a breeze either. So, you'd be right to be wondering how we man...
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Internet Mistakes to Avoid
by timdillard.THE THIRD MISTAKE BUSINESSES ARE MAKING REGARDING THE INTERNETTraditional marketing mavens still think they are buying demographics. This is easy to understand. When someone makes a meaningful ad buy with a CBS or ABC affiliate or even on a national ...
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Excellent E -Commerce Solutions
by murphy1.When you have a small home based business, and are basically just starting out, there are many great ways to make a large leap ahead.One of these great methods is to sell online merchandise. An online store can be set up relatively easily and ecommer...
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Recycling: Fast Facts
by necess.When it comes to recycling doing a little can help a lot. As limited resources become more limited, and as the impact of waste places a bigger burden on the environment, the time for action is now. While the actions of one may not be enough to correc...
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