Programming Microsoft Dynamics GP Great Plains by Andrew Karasev.We already covered topics on Dexterity, eConnect, GP SDK Visual programming in earlier articles.? In this small article we would like to concentrate on SQL scriptingItem Allocation example.? For the reason of simplicity let’s assume that... Similar Editorials : Great Plains Dynamics
Business Portal 3.0 for Microsoft Dynamics by Andrew Karasev.All ERP applications are moving to web interface and thin client technology and this is just the matter of time, when we will enjoy worldwide secured access to our MRP functionality. ?In this small article we would like to stress some challenges of c... Similar Editorials : Online Job Portal
Microsoft FrontPage Vs Macromedia Dreamweaver by Talal Emran.After many years of web authorizing, web pages became more complex. Therefore, it is too difficult to program web pages manually using normal word editors because of using so much graphics. As a result, many companies provid their own web editors. Th... Similar Editorials : Dreamweaver vs FrontPage
Microsoft Dynamics GP Requisition Management by Andrew Karasev.Being hosted in Business Portal, it doesn’t require you to purchase Great Plains user licenses for each BP user – instead you purchase low cost BP user licenses. ?Let’s review RM business logic:Approval Hierarchy.? If you read BP RM manual, you... Similar Editorials : Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Dynamics GP, New Windows Server by Andrew Karasev.Our approach will be to give you architecture understanding, so you could make your decision knowing the options and technical reasons.? You should be familiar with such concepts as Microsoft SQL Server and its versions: 7.0, 2000, 2005, ODBC connect... Similar Editorials : Microsoft Dynamics GP
Overview of Microsoft Great Plains by Andrew Karasev.You maybe very concerned about how to really do this, however you are not the first one and you are not the last one facing this dilemma. ?Let’s review the options and stepsOld system will be for inquiry only. ?Yes, you do not want to delete the ol... Similar Editorials : Microsoft Great Plains Overview
Microsoft Dynamics GP SQL Scripting by Andrew Karasev.Prior to the nice time when you will be looking and analyzing SQL script itself, it is good idea to give you some highlights on the join we utilize here. ?We have to unionize GP open and history PM tables.? In Great Plains the posting logic moves una... Similar Editorials : Microsoft GP SQL Scripting
Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics Architecture by Andrew Karasev.This article is intended for small and mid-size business IT engineers, who supports Microsoft Dynamics GP and such legacy Great Plains applications as eOrder and eRequisition, which require you to think through technology switch and implementing Busi... Similar Editorials : Great Plains Dynamics
MS GP Customization Ver. Update: 64 Bit Windows FAQ by Andrew Karasev.We would like to give you some technology highlights on GPDB: MS SQL Server 2005. ?You may consider SQL 2000 upgrade to 2005, especially if you consider switching to 64 bit platform: Windows 2003x64 with MS SQL Server 2005x64 – this will give you g... Similar Editorials : Microsoft CRM Customization
Microsoft Dynamics GP: Corporate ERP Evolution by Andrew Karasev.?If your company is currently selecting new ERP for implementation from scratch, then this is different situation – in this article we consult you on options available, when your company has historical investment into Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterpr... Similar Editorials : Microsoft Dynamics GP
Search Microsoft Office Files, create an MS Word File Database by Sam Miller.How many times have you saved a document to a disk from your office PC to take home to work on and then had to do the double take to see which document is the current one and what changes have been made at the office by someone else ?? How about when... Similar Editorials : Accessing Files
Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Portal 10.0: Opening the door by Andrew Karasev.It was not a big secret, that former versions of Business Portal for Great Plains, such as 3.0 and 2.5 had limitations in allowing you, software developer to modify existing business portal applications, such as HR & Employee Self Service, Order Mana... Similar Editorials : Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Certification: Your Career Is Waiting! by Scott Elliott.Microsoft, a leader in the IT industry, has developed a number of certification programs for professionals working in the business. The programs allow you to decide which certification is appropriate and best suited for your career. There are over 2 ... Similar Editorials : Cisco Certification
MS Dynamics GP Technology notes: .Net, C# & eConnect by Andrew Karasev.Great Plains came the long way, being designed in earlier 1990th on Great Plains Software Dexterity platform, which in turn was architectured in C programming language as a IDE and the shell.? Dexterity played core role in Great Plains architecture, ... Similar Editorials : Notes on Budget
MS Dynamics GP 10.0 Customization Tools Speculation by Andrew Karasev.Let’s briefly review what is new and what is traditional in customization instruments:Sharepoint in Workflow.? This seems to be cool opportunity.? We heard so many years about workflow in Great Plains, some developers tried to marry something like ... Similar Editorials : Microsoft Dynamics GP