Editorials » Technology » Gadgets

Glossary Of Terms (A-C) - CCTV
by Instrom Ltd.ACAlternating CurrentACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMElectronic system used to allow, restrict and track the movement of people through entry/exit points in a site. This is achieved through the use of electronic individual codes, keys or cards etc, to release a...
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Glossary Of Terms (D - L) - CCTV
by Instrom Ltd.DARK CURRENTLeakage signal from a CCD sensor in the absence of incident light.DARK NOISENoise caused by the random (quantum) nature of the dark current.DECIBEL (DB)A logarithmic ratio between two electrical signals or values. Usually refers to power,...
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Glossary Of Terms (M - R) - CCTV
by Instrom Ltd.MAGNIFICATION RATIOThe ratio between the focal length of a lens and the focal length of a standard angle lens. Indicates the magnification of the image when compared to an image from a standard angle lens.MANUAL IRISType of lens that requires manual ...
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Glossary Of Terms (S - Z) - CCTV
by Instrom Ltd.S/N RATIOSignal-to-Noise ratio is calculated with the logarithm of the normal signal and the noise RMS value.SCENE ILLUMINATIONThe average light level incident upon a protected area. Normally measured for the visible spectrum with a light meter havin...
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The Nintendo Wii is NOT the Game Cube
by Kit Allen.As Nintendo chief Miyamoto says about the Wii…‘The hardware is basically a GC. We’ve upgraded our development tools to new versions but, you can still use GC programs as they are. With that in mind, I thought we could remake GC titles for the W...
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Motorola Ring Tone- Milestone In Ringtone History
by Low Jeremy.Literally speaking, there are not only tens but hundreds of cell phone models that are sold in the market. Sometimes, you will run out of time in choosing the best that you think will fit your needs. Dozens of manufacturers are also competing in the ...
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A Beginners Guide To Choosing A Digital Camera
by Richard Merson.Digital photography is no longer a ‘new thing’. Digital photography has flourished of late and for good reason. Gone are the days when taking your holiday snaps required buying a film, taking pictures in the hope that at least half would develop ...
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Samsung Mobile Phones: Technology That Rules The World
by Carly Charu.Technology rules the world and mobile phone is an excellent consequence of this technology. In today’s world, mobile phone has become an essential gadget for all class of people. There was a time when mobile phones were so rare and all the phones w...
Similar Editorials : Samsung Mobile Phones

Are Hidden Cameras Watching You Right Now
by Steven Rubin.I was enjoying a meal with my wife the other day at a local restaurant. After we ate, we decided to sit at the bar and have a drink while watching the local band play a few numbers. As I looked around at the small crowd of people, I couldn’t help b...
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Kubotan for Self Defense
by Steven Rubin.My first experience with a Kubotan made me a true believer in their effectiveness. It was an autumn day about 5 years ago when I was walking home from a local softball game. I was approached by a rather large man who asked me for a light for his ciga...
Similar Editorials : Self Defense Products

Buying a Projection Screen
by Mike Dewitt.Buying a projection screen is just like any other purchase you will make. You will have many options available to you, and then you will have to make a decision as to which one will best suit your needs. As you are shopping for a projection screen, t...
Similar Editorials : Projection Screen Surfaces

Traffic Mapping For Your Mobile Phone
by Madison Lockwood.In late July, Google announced that it will be offering live traffic information to mobile phones in more than thirty U.S. cities. Plans to provide the traffic feature to PCs are still in the works. The Google traffic feature will be released as an u...
Similar Editorials : Life Mapping

Using Data Loggers to Document Temperature
by Rick Kaestner.Data LoggersA temperature or temperature/RH data logger with an LCD display like the ThermaViewer is vital for anyone who needs to monitor and document temperature. The ThermaViewer performs the following functions:1. Meets accreditation and customer...
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Visio 37 HDTV Product Review
by Dean Iggo.Many are looking for the Visio 37 HDTV because one of the most promising companies to come out in recent years in the world of HDTV is Visio, or Vizio. They offer only a few different TV’s, but they have some of the lowest prices available anywhere...
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Watch Review – Croton 1650 Feet Dive Watch CA301062SSGY
by Zai Zhu.One of my very favorite things to do is swim. But its not just swimming I enjoy, its anything having to do with the water, whether it’s on the hot sands off the Atlantic coast, skiing on the ocean’s surface or feverishly pounding Olympic-sized po...
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MP3 Players: How It All Began
by Alexander Johannes.You have probably seen some old movies where some unruly teenager carried on his shoulders one the first "portable" audio players—a blaring cassette-tape-playing two-speaker monster (if you're old enough, you may even have done this yourself). What...
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Space Sunshade May One Day Reduce Global Warming
by Deepak Purang.Global warming is a reality and increasingly its consequences are upon us. We may think that global warming does not affect us but the fact is it has already started to have disastrous consequences. Flash floods, droughts, receding icebergs, cyclones...
Similar Editorials : Global Warming Explained

Electric Cooling Fan Switches
by Darren Dunner.The work of these electric cooling fan switches is to sense the temperatures in the car engine environment and then turn on the cooling fan if cooling is needed. Different electric cooling fan switches have different temperature settings in order to ...
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How To Choose Between Cable TV and Satellite TV
by Jon Arnold.First of all, virtually nobody has an antenna anymore to watch TV, not even my grandparents who live literally in the middle of nowhere. It just doesn’t make sense and with the new technologies and broadcast standards coming into play within the ne...
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GPS Systems
by Joseph Davis.Are you one of those people who would rather drive around town for hours than stop and ask for directions? If so, a Global positioning system, or GPS, could be the perfect tool for you.A GPS is an operational navigational system that employs the use ...
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Commercial Wheelchair Lift
by Low Jeremy.People who are not able to walk because of an accident or old age need special requirements to move around. Some malls and schools have installed ramps making it easy for the person to go in or out.Because these is a need for these lifts in homes and...
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How To Determine Which Cell Service Is Best For You
by Jon Arnold.With every cell phone carrier advertising their latest cell phones and super plans, it gets more and more difficult to determine which one is the right one for you. How do you know? If you live in a major metro area or almost any larger city, the pla...
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Selecting the Right iPod
by Claire J Rottenberg.Apple currently offers three iPods -- the Shuffle, Nano and iPod (video) -- and one is probably just right for you. Although there are certainly aesthetic reasons for buying an iPod (who can resist the beauty of design of a Nano), in this article I'l...
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Consumer Facts On Free Satellite TV Deals
by Teddy LC..Free satellite TV! Get free satellite TV system free for 4-room, get free DVR, free HDTV, free incentive gifts like iPod and home theater system, free installations…… sounds familiar with the slogan? Don’t worry; this is not another free satell...
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Having A Ball with X-Box Games
by Morgan Hamilton.I love playing video games. I love it so much that I even have two video games systems at home — an x box and a Playstation. I used to play with my Playstation most of the time because it had all the games that I love to play. But recently I’ve n...
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