There are many ways your family can have quality time with each other. One of the great ways is craft making. It may be simple or may involve delicate, specific and articulate designs but all the members of the family may be involved in all the exciting steps of craft making starting from planning to designing. This is a sure way of having fun while doing something for special occasions or just for quiet times with your loved ones.
Every special occasion means giving something, which will symbolize your love and appreciation to someone. Craft making involves personal touch and ideas thus, it will be more intimate and sensitive because it is made specifically for that special person. The relationship you have with each other may reflect with what you have done. Craft making can eat an hour, your whole day, weeks or even months depending on your plan and how you would like it to be made. This will also depend in the personality, age, and the willingness of how much time and effort the person doing craft will put into.
Magazines and websites will be of great help in choosing what you would like to make and finding the right supplies. You can either ask your friends of what is the best design to make or you may also buy things from the store and then put designs with your personal touch. You may also buy craft supplies you need for craft making and find outside assistance with certain steps.
Now that Mother's Day is fast approaching, what will be the best thing to give the woman who we owe our lives to? You can buy expensive or cheap stuff in stores or personally make that special gift for your mom. We should be reminded that the day is not only for the mothers but also for the children. From the traditional cards saying love and poems, we can choose from other ideas and designs made into lovely gifts which require a little time and effort. For younger kids who really want to give something special for their mommies, they would need assistance and might end-up being a helper to the older ones.
You can choose from customized pillowcases, personalized clock or other ideas. In doing customized pillow cases, these crafts can be made easily with a simple stitching pattern guide. If you want you can put heart warming messages or designs such as hearts and flowers of your choice in embroidering them. In doing personalized clock, buy a simple analog clock. You may pop the cover off the front and remove the hands. Place a special photograph of your mom or other art design on the front, gluing it into place. Replace the hands and front cover, and its ready! Always remember to remove the battery of the clock before removing the hands; but before removing the hands, it is a good idea to synchronize them to a single position first. This is to make sure that the clock is still working after being reassembled.
Another great idea is to have a picture of you and your mom put it in frame decorate with artwork, seashells, shiny stones, ribbon, or other tidbits and it's all set.
We should remember that it is not how expensive or beautiful gifts are, or how much we liked them or will be in used, the thing is that we know how to be grateful for what is given to us if it is made with love and wrapped with so much appreciation.
Art & Craft Ideas
Thousands of crafters out there are looking for something new to add to their repertoire; and thousands more are just looking for something new they can work on. Mosaic art is catching on and becoming more and more popular every day. Taking simple mosaic tiles and glass beads to deliver artistic creations is like building a puzzle where you get to choose what each piece looks like.
The beauty of mosaics is that they can be applied nearly anywhere, and to a variety of surfaces - for a variety of applications. For those of you who are interested in mosaic art, here are just a few applications you can try, just to get your feet wet in this great crafters past time.
"Birdbaths and fountains - Mosaics are a popular way to line the surfaces of birdbaths and fountains, adding an artistic touch to an outdoor accoutrement that many of us have in our yards. Mosaic tiles and glass beads readily adhere to thinset concrete, over the top of a concrete or ceramic fountain or birdbath base.
"Try a tabletop - You might not want to try the dining room table for your first mosaic art project, but why not the bedside table? A small 24" by 24" top is the perfect place to trace out your design and then begin to put the tiles in - effectively creating a great new surface for your night table.
"Pot pads - Instead of using the tired, torn and scraggly tea towel dangling from the stove to protect the table from a hot pot at dinner time, you can create a simple, small mosaic square pot pad for that simmering stew to sit on. Something that is 8"x8" will take you no time at all to create - and it provides you a little service and some artistic appeal at dinner time.
"Flower pots, vases, and other garden items - Terracotta planters make a great surface for mosaics, and you can also create fantastic mosaic art on your vases and other planters throughout the garden. If you have a solid surface that can handle the weight of mosaic materials, then why not give it a try.
The above mosaic art suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg. Mosaic tiles and glass beads can adhere to nearly any backing with the right adhesive, and you can create any pattern that you want; any design is only limited by your creativity.
Both David H. Urmann & Mark Piscopo are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Mark Piscopo has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arts, Home Improvement. Mark Piscopo knows about glass mosaic tiles, and a wide variety of other art and craft related items. You can check out his site for more information on the materials he can provide for your next project!. Mark Piscopo's top article generates over 1000 views. Bookmark Mark Piscopo to your Favourites.
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