Now, look at the Oak tree and ask yourself, how does an acorn, that seemingly insignificant knobby-shaped seed, become such a masterpiece?
Did you know that it takes around 10,000 acorns to produce maybe, on a good day, three Oak trees? Now, ask yourself, is that Oak tree any less or more grand because it required 10,000 seeds before this magnificent masterpiece could manifest?
If the Oak tree parent decided, 'That's just too much effort. 10,000 acorns?!? Pffftt! Forget it then - that's way too much trouble" then the Oak tree would cease to exist.
If the Oak tree did give up, it's possible that it might briefly enjoy the life of indolent ease. However, eventually it would realize that it did not have any sense of purpose either. Apathy would ensue and finally death, as death stands at the doorway of apathy. After all, if it wasn't meant to propagate and prosper, the swelling question becomes, "why do I bother to exist at all?"
Like the book and corresponding movie, Children of Men by P.D. James, apathy and emotional death are the natural consequences of a spirit that gives up on its purpose.
Fortunately for those who have ever climbed a grand Oak or taken a nap under one's majestic, protective shade, the Oak tree doesn't look at those 9,997 acorns as failures, or too much effort!
The credo of 'I do what must be done - because that's just what I do' occurs naturally in the plant and animal kingdom. I ask, in the spirit of exploring the essential elements of intentional creation, what if we, the two-legged mammals (and I'm not talking about us, kangaroos!), could choose this attitude?
What if instead of saying, "But, I don't want to put forth 10,000 acorns before I get a tree!!!" We said, "I am willing to put forth whatever effort is required, even if it's 10,000 or more!"
An Oak tree doesn't say, "This is just too much effort; everything I do requires too much work and 10,000 acorns is just too long to wait. Nothing I ever do comes easy or works out for me."
No, an acorn becomes an Oak tree because that's what it seeks to do. An Oak tree spawns 10,000 acorns if that's what it takes to propagate because that's what it does. It doesn't fight it. It doesn't struggle against it. It just does what it does. It puts them out and life takes care of itself.
If, as a conscious creator, we could look at our desires and what we want out of life; look at our goals, and just do what must be done with a similar attitude, then the natural consequence would be our own majestic manifestations of magnificent proportions.
Oh, and the splendid byproduct of such an attitude would be more joy, fulfillment, peace, prosperity, and flow in the process!
We must remember that it's the resistance to 'hard work' that makes work hard. It's the resistance to 'taking too much time' that makes time stand still. If instead of the attitude of, "this is hard; this takes too much effort; this is too much of a struggle;' you just put out the acorns knowing that one of them, two of them, three of them will eventually take off and take off big; become that magnificent Oak tree that you really desire then your big dreams as well as little desires would reliably manifest.
If you seek to utilize the power of the law of attraction to create magnificent success, I suggest you first seek to create an attitude of persistence, commitment, resilience, and most importantly a willingness to do what must be done with ZEST and ENTHUSIASM!
That's actually a Catherine Ponder quote from her book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: "I do what must be done with zest and enthusiasm."
When I was about seven months pregnant with my 2nd child, Ashlyn, I was walking out of the gym when I saw a pile of shattered glass all over the ground. I remember thinking, "Oh my! Someone broke something." Well, I was right. What they broke was my car window to steal my purse and briefcase! Well, I can honestly remember thinking, "oh bummer. and oh well, let me just clean it up and move along." Then, I realized that in addition to my wallet, money, and credit cards they had my Catherine Ponder book!
That's when I got mad! You see, it was perfectly highlighted, dog-eared, and every magical affirmation, quote, and meaningful theory was pulled forth for me in my margined shorthand notes.
Her simple affirmation, "I do what must be done with zest and enthusiasm!" changed my entire outlook on 'work' and 'getting ahead' and 'effort'.
This was a new concept for me. It's safe to say that I've always been goal oriented and a go-for-your-dreams kind of gal. However, I never did it with zest and enthusiasm?!?! In fact, the 'harder' it was the better my story. You know what I mean, don't you?!
When I moved to California, fresh out of high school, barely 18, with no money, no place to live, no job, no relatives, no car and only one friend, it was indeed 'very hard.' I can remember eating peanut butter and crackers for -forever! I walked to job interview after job interview to get a job. I remember walking more than 8 hours one day just filling out job applications!
And, hey - it's a good story now. I get to share with my children my own version of, "I walked 5 miles to school every day in freezing snow, barefoot and uphill - both ways."
However, I didn't do it with any kind of 'zest and enthusiasm'. In fact, I bet that had I come from a place of zest, enthusiasm, willingness, openness, optimism and cheerfulness, I would NOT have had to eat peanut butter nearly as long and I bet someone would have hired me sooner!
That's how the law of attraction works. I knew I would eventually knock on the right door at the right time to get a job, but I made it more difficult with my resistance to just being at peace with the process.
Maybe it's because I wanted the 'story', or maybe it's because I thought 'life's supposed to be hard', or 'I'm not worthy of having it be easy'. Or, maybe, it was hard because I fought what needed to be done so fiercely.
You've heard the simple allegory that illustrates the importance of having a success strategy:
Q: How do you eat an Elephant?
A: One bite at a time.
As we break down our goals into small, action oriented steps we structure our pathway to success. This one simple mindset (breaking big tasks down into little tasks) is notorious for being the secret to success for many a millionaire.
For conscious creators who understand the concept of one bite at a time add to this intention - one delicious bite at a time and you'll suddenly feel more empowered, energized, focused, and steadfast in the obtainment of your goal.
Use the law of attraction to attract a mindset of, "Willingness to do what must be done with Zest & Enthusiasm" and the rest of the manifestation will follow. Use the power of your mind to override any resistance to doing what must be done and instead view the 10,000 seeds that you must plant as simply, "what I do" and what you do will be successful.
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