If you think that web hosting is a load of geek speak then I can assure you that you are in safe hands here. Web hosting is one of the most important elements of building a successful online business and there are a few things you need to know before you decide on which web hosting provider to go with.
Web hosting tip 1:
Space: What amount of space are you requiring? Are you looking at setting up simple one page websites, or are you wanting to develop your own product with audio downloads? I recently put an ebook and audio product together and could not understand why I couldn't download any of my audio. I was over my disk space and this could make or break your business.
*Please note: Keep your files tidy and delete whatever you don't need because extra files take up valuable space - lesson learnt!
Web hosting tip 2:
Bandwidth: This is the amount data that you are allowed to broadcast from your website each month. Your needs will differ significantly depending on whether you are running basic websites or a complete multi media experience.
Web hosting tip 3:
Customer Service: This goes without saying! Before choosing your web hosting provider contact the support desk or give them a call to see how responsive they are. If your website is down for some reason you want to get this sorted out as soon as possible.
Web hosting tip 4:
Extra Features: If you are new to the internet your initial needs will not be as demanding as the more experienced user. Extra features may include free scripts, PDF writing software, web audio features...and much more.
Web hosting tip 5:
Domains: A domain or URL is your website address. If you are planning on having a number of different websites then you will want a web hosting provider to offer unlimited domain hosting. Most of the time you will have to pay a minimal charge to transfer your domain name to your web hosting provider. Having additional domain names on one hosting account will also use up your disk space and bandwidth a lot quicker so this will be a factor when considering a web hosting provider also.
Web hosting tip 6:
Subdomains: Subdomains are the extensions you have on your domain, such as, www.success-system.co.uk/ultimatehosting. 'Ultimatehosting' is the subdomain. Most good web hosting providers will offer unlimited subdomains which is great because you don't have to keep buying a new domain name each time you want to set up a new website.
Web hosting tip 7:
Statistics: Good web hosting providers will offer a fully functional statistical analysis of your pages. From this information you will be able to see how much traffic you have had, what keywords people are typing in to find your page, what country your visitors are from...and so much more. Internet success is about testing and tracking and you can get a lot of this information from the statistics packages offered.
Web hosting tip 8:
Website developing software: Some web hosting providers offer a complete package that include web design software so if you are looking to create your own website a great cheap alternative is to have this included within your package for a minimal extra charge. The great thing with this is that you will have the support from your web hosting company whenever you run into any problems. They will be able to look at your entire back office to help rectify any problems.
Web hosting tip 9:
Email, Autoresponder, POP3 & Mail Forwarding:
If you are serious about building a successful online business then you will want to automate your business as much as possible and also have the ability to create proper email addresses that are related to your website. Forwarding is a great feature also that allows you to have a number of different email addresses that go to the same account.
Web hosting tip 10:
Control Panel: This is the panel that will allow you to do many of the features that I have mentioned above. Some are more user friendly than others. The first time I saw one I was a little overwhelmed as there are a lot of features on here. If you are a beginner there are some options that offer a basic user experience.
Now you have some information to start you off in the right direction for choosing your web hosting provider. It is worth spending a bit of time checking this out. I actually uses a number of different web hosting providers so after having made a choice you will probably use other services as your build your online business and have different requirements.
10 Web Hosting Companies
The acceptance and readability of your blog can depend on which blog web host you align yourself with. The end result of the blog web host is to allow easy access of your blogs to readers, so everything is in one easy to reach spot. If you fail to select the right blog web host you can have a impossible time altering your host as well as linking your name with nasty reports.
One of the most important factor in selecting a blog web host is their reputation. You shouldn't base your blog web host by the amount of bandwidth and disk space. In actuality you will probably only use about 10% of your bandwidth. You should base your choice on the speed of the servers and uptime. The faster your blogs show up on a web surfers screen and the speed in which the reader can access them is very important.
Reading customer reviews and entries on online forums about specific companies is a great way to ascertain the reliability of the interested company. Another way to determine the company's reliability is to perform online searches and see the ranking of the blogs using that company. Additionally if your friends have found success with specific web host then your should investigate that company. Word of mouth is great advertising for a good host site.
Companies with large gigabytes and unlimited domains are offering these services to entice customers to their company. Companies with a lot of disk offerings also sometimes charge an additional charge above the normal monthly charge. Marketing companies call this over charging and do not recommend it as a good marketing scheme.
The support services are key to choosing a good blog web host. The timeliness and effectiveness of any questions you send to the support service is important. You should also determine the knowledge off the support technicians. It is a good idea to send some very specific questions and then wait for an answer. If the support services aren't good then you should avoid that blog web host.
Really good and successful blog web hosts do cost a bit each month and will be worth the investment, between $10-20 dollars a month. Successful bloggers find this cost to be nominal especially for the services received from the blog web host. A good host company will help generate even more traffic to your blog.
Some of the top blog web host companies that cost ten dollars or under are Immotion, Blue Host, HostingPad, HostMonster, Yahoo, Globat, Vistapages, Lunarpages, Dot5Hosting, and FastNext. You can try any of these web host companies for 30 days with a money back gaurantee. Most blog web hosts offer something like this and it is a good idea to try the offers if you are unsure of the host company or can't make up your mind between a few blog web hosts.
It's possible to run you own blog web host if you have enough technical knowledge. To offer competitive services like other companies you will probably need to charge a small fee, as you will be spending some time dealing with your web host.
Both Clint Gray & Don Lawson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Don Lawson has sinced written about articles on various topics from About Web Hosting, Family. You can locate Don teaching others learn about making m1y with affiliate programs. 1 method he teaches is how to m1tize a blog and choosing the. Don Lawson's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Don Lawson to your Favourites.
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