Here's how you can do a calendar design in simple MS Word, keeping in mind these reminders:
1. Open a new document in Microsoft Word, and specify the size of your calendar. Select page set-up, choose paper and adjust the 8.5 x 11 size to 8.75 x 11.25.
2. If you want the 8.5x11 calendar, you need to add .25 inch to the final size for the bleeds. The same thing goes if you want 12 x 24 calendars.
3. At the top of the page, write the title of the month in big bold letters, with the color and font style of your choice.
4. Insert your picture or illustration. Stretch your image to fill the page up to the horizontal margins. When resizing your image, drag the corner button. Be careful to maintain the proportions, as distorted images is an eyesore and unprofessional. Move your image to the desired location.
5. Always use a file with high-resolution so the image doesn't become pixilated when you stretch or resize them.
6. Crop image as needed.
7. Point your cursor to the image, and press the right click button. Set the text wrap to tight so your text does not go across the image.
8. If you want some fonts laid across your image, choose the Word Art tool and experiment with the layout and text styles you can achieve.
9. Insert a table with 7 columns and 5 rows. Customize your table with the borders and shadings option, found by right clicking your mouse. You may also choose a design from the design templates available. Select a simple design with colors that will compliment your picture or illustration.
10. Move the table to the desired location. Avoid overlapping table with illustration as it makes the text hard to read.
11. Fill in the table with the calendar details. The top row should contain the different days of the week, while the following cells should contain the days.
12. Click on file, save. Create a new folder and title it: My Calendar. Save your file under this with the name of the month as the filename.
13. Change the title of the month, the illustration, and the data in the table. Save as a different month. Repeat this until you have completed the twelve months.
Voila! You now have your very own customized calendar. If you are keeping this for yourself, you can already encode the important dates for the year. Talk about planning ahead.
You can easily design a calendar using a simple program such as MS Word. Do not be intimidated. Plus, there are printing companies around who can process your files and print them. Just make sure your photos or illustrations are in CMYK format.
If you still find these steps confusing, some online printers can provide you with easy calendar design software. You can choose from a variety of calendar design templates prepared for you by their graphic artists. All you have to do is provide them with your very own set of photos or illustrations.
You may also talk with their technical support representatives to help you decide on the paper, the coating, and the other specifications for your calendar. With these great calendar ideas, you're sure to have a great year ahead. Make one now and know what calendar printing options are laid out for you.
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