Groceries are one of the most expensive items on any budget. Be sure to take a list with you to the grocery store; this will help to cut back on impulse items. If you are still concerned, then why not take a friend shopping with you. Exchange lists at the store and each of you can gather up the other's groceries, virtually eliminating all impulses. And don't forget to cut out coupons. It may take some time, but it will add up in the end.
Frugal people still vacation, they just do it wisely. You can really stretch the vacation dollars by traveling during the shoulder season or off-season, although it's a good idea to check to see if local attractions will be open if you want to attend. Since much of a vacation budget goes to housing, why not spend your vacation visiting family? There is the joy of bonding with relatives, but you also get to stay for free.
Thrifty living does not mean you can never go out and have some fun. Most museums, zoos, and botanical gardens have free or at least discount days that you could take advantage of. They probably offer a group discount too, so get all your friends together to have some frugal fun together. Rent movies from the local library for free. It's all low cost, high quality entertainment.
Clothing is one of those items that civilized society has deemed necessary. The clothing manufacturers, who realize our dilemma, often charge outrageous prices. Buying out of season (buying winter clothes in the summer and vice versa) will help to cut this item in your budget.
Thrift stores, consignment shops, and second-hand stores all offer great values on clothing. You can find designer clothes with tags still intact. Find some frugal friends who are willing to trade clothes. Hand me downs are great!
One item that it is not always wise to buy new is the automobile. While there is nothing wrong with having a nice car, if you can't pay for it with cash then it is probably not worth it. Drive what you have while you save up, and then purchase with cash.
When you go to buy a car in cash, you will wield significant power over the salesmen in the negotiation process. You can have confidence in your buying power and secure some nice perks, like a warranty, in the process.
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