Try these simple steps to a more well-balanced eating plan:
Stop Eating When You're Satisfied, Not When You're Full.
Your stomach should never feel bloated and stressed after eating -- if it does, you've eaten too much! Learn to recognize when you are satisfied and stop.
Only Eat When You're Hungry.
Listen to your body instead of watching the clock when it comes to eating. It isn't only necessary to eat at scheduled mealtimes. Eat when you're hungry. If that means have a healthy snack at 3 pm, then go for it.
Just be sure not to gorge on high-sugar items and carbohydrates. That said, if dinner rolls around and you aren't hungry yet, either wait until later, or eat a smaller more satisfying meal.
Cut Back on Your Portion Sizes.
Portion sizes have doubled in the United States since the mid-1950. Remember that your stomach is only about the size of your fist, so don't expect to be able to stuff more food that would fit into your fist into it.
Substitute Junk Foods for Healthy Ones.
We all know that eating candy or donuts all day isn't good for us, yet how many of us run to the vending machine between meetings to curb a growling stomach? One of the easiest ways to meet your daily nutritional needs is to substitute those quick snacks laden with sugar with more nutritious things like fruit, cut veggies, a hard boiled egg, or even a whole grain muffin.
Don't Skip Breakfast.
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It's what gets your metabolism going early in the morning after slowing down overnight.
Watch Those Food Labels!
While it's always a good idea to reach for a lower-fat food instead of their higher fat alternatives, be careful to watch those food labels for extra sugar and sodium found in many trendy "fat free" foods
Drink More Water.
It is a good idea to drink only water whenever possible. Your body needs it and it doesn't contain any unhealthy ingredients like other drinks do.
Start with an Appetizer.
Now, be careful here. Don't gorge on hot wings and bread, but starting off with a plate of cut up fresh veggies and dip is a great way to meet your vegetable requirements for the day and fill up on good stuff before the main course arrives.
Always Have a Salad.
Include a small salad with every meal. It's filling and nutritious. Just be sure to fill it with tasty dark greens and lots of colored variety.
Create A Palette on Your Plate.
Most nutritional experts agree, to be sure that you are getting just the right amounts of each food group, make your meal plate into a colorful palette featuring lots of different colors (browns, greens, oranges, reds, etc).
Try Soup.
Not a big vegetable lover? Try making different varieties of soups. It's a great way to add taste and texture to mealtime and get those 5 a day servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.
As you can see, just making a few simple changes to your daily diet can make a big difference in getting the nutrients most important to a healthy body.
A Balanced Diet Chart
Optimizing your health with a pH balanced diet is the natural way to obtain the maximum positive health benefit for the long term. The basic concept of a pH diet is to maintain the ph balance of nutritional food intake close to 80% alkaline with 20% acidity. The main objective of a pH diet is to create the equivalent of the pH level in the bloodstream by introducing alkaline foods into your diet.
Granted for many, the initial idea can be intimidating because of the foods that have become commonplace in society are found to be high in acidity. Identifying readily available sources of alkaline foods is your first defense in acquiring optimized health. Benefiting the most from a pH balanced diet can be as simple as becoming aware of your options when considering your choices of alkaline foods.
Alkaline foods have an energizing result on the body. Alkaline foods counteract the acidity we put into our bloodstream everyday, allowing our bodies to regenerate and restore damaged cells naturally.
Identifying foods that cause the alkalizing benefit in the body, you can introduce a healthier diet by complimenting the pH levels already established in the bloodstream. By doing so, you have prevented premature aging and illnesses from developing.
Normal pH balance of the human body is 7.35 to 7.45. Levels of pH7 and higher are measured as alkaline.
While meats derived from animals are acidic, fresh vegetables and fruits are considered as stables in a well thought out pH diet plan.
Vegetables that have a positive effect in your pH diet are broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, peas, lettuce, onions, tomatoes and peppers, to state a few. While standing in line for that next burger, ask if they wouldn't mind; Piling on the veggies.
Vegetables may be acceptable to the adult seeking optimal health through a balanced pH diet but, our younger counterparts may think differently. As Mother Nature has it, she has also provided the perfect remedy. Fruits have the pH balancing effect on our bodies as well.
Alkaline fruits are: apples, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, cherries, grapes, lemons, limes, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapple, raisins, and strawberries to name a few. A variety of fruits make the perfect snack for any little one eagerly awaiting for the hand out.
Minerals are also vital to your daily diet. Minerals that have an alkalizing impact on the body can aid in the overall balance in your pH diet. These minerals include: cesium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Because minerals are essential to your health but, rarely acquired in an adequate amount through our daily food intake, a balanced supplement may be in order.
The purpose of a pH balanced diet is to have your alkaline (fresh vegetables and fruits) diet richer than the acidic counterpart of your diet. When actively practicing a suitable pH balanced diet, your body will perform with peak altitude, giving you the ability to ward off illnesses in a preventive and natural environment to your body.
Both Matthew Hick & Steven Godlewski are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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