Starting your own business can be a nerve racking process as so many different things must be considered before your business can get off the ground. You need money, space, employees and hundreds of other things to make the business you want happen. With all these “to-dos” cluttering your head, it's best to step back and take one thing at a time.
First things first – your business needs a name! This may seem a silly and frivolous task, but there is a lot to be considered when choosing a name for your business. The name of your business has great impact on how customers view you and your product. Choosing a business name is important not only because of its impact on customers but also because it will be with your business for life. So take some time to think about what goes into picking your business' name.
Stand Out
Pick a name that is unique to you and your business. Try to stay away from generic names like “Betsy's Flower Shop” or “Bob's Car Repair”, but instead find something a little more interesting. This is not to say you can't use your name in the business name, but also look to other options. A business name with a story is always of interest to customers and will get them to spread your name around.
Spell It Out
When creating a name, stay with words that can easily be spelled by customers. Some business owners try unique word spellings to make their business stand out, but this can be trouble when customers look your business up in the phone book or try to refer you to others. Stay with traditional word spelling and try to avoid unfamiliar words.
Keep it Simple
Make your business name short so customers can remember it easily. This will also help when marketing your name as you won't need as much word space. If you like, you can make your business name an acronym for a longer title, but just be sure to list your business by this acronym in the phone book.
Make Some Sense
Occasionally, business owners will choose business names that are nonsense words. Although this does make you stand out, it creates a problems for the customer. Words create visuals for people and if the title of your business is a nonsense word, it will be difficult for customers to envision what your business is about. Use words that convey your line of business and the feeling you want customers to get when they come to you.
Give a Clue
Try to include in your business name some information about what your business does. Calling your light fixture business “Rise and Shine” is appropriate, but the same name would not do well for tow truck business. Your business name should match your business in order to remind customers what services you provide.
Don't Box Yourself In
Avoid picking names that don't allow your business to move around or add to its product line. This means staying away from adding geographic locations or product types to your business name. With these additions, customers will be confused if you expand your business to different locations or add on to your product line.
Jump Start Your Brainstorming
If you are having trouble thinking of business names, try giving your brain a jolt by looking through a thesaurus for alternate words. A dictionary may also help by giving you words that define your line of business. You can even try looking to competitor business names to give some ideas. However, be careful not to create a name that is too similar to a competitor's as this will lead to confusion for customers.
Try It Out
Come up with a few different name choices and try them out on friends, co-workers, and potential customers. Ask questions about the names to see if they give off the impression you desire. Be sure to come away with a few different names in case another business has already snagged your first choice. The next step is to register your name and get your business going!
A Name For Your Business
One of the most important things your new business needs is a name. Your business' name will often be the very first thing your customers see, and the very first impression you make on any potential customers.
Endeavor to select a name that says something about you and your business that people in your target market will remember easily. If the name conjures up an easily recalled mental image, so much the better! This can be especially true on the World Wide Web where competition is fierce, and you really can't bank on anyone bookmarking your site or adding it to her or his favorite's list.
In the everyday brick and mortar world, a good basic idea is to simply use your last name followed by what you do. For example, Smith's Lawnmower Sales and Repair or Jones' Heating and Air are suitable. They are also easy to remember. You might also consider expanding the name by adding the town where your business is located. For example, you could use Smith's St. Louis Lawnmower Sales and Repair.
Another avenue of thought might be to leave out your personal name entirely, and simply become Tulsa Heating and Air. This makes you sound like the first choice locally, and will make it easy for you to target your potential local customers. However, if you're in a business with lots of competition, be sure to check with the proper authorities in your city, county or state to make sure the name is not already registered to someone else's business.
If you are planning an internet business, or preparing to put an existing business online, you should consider placing the actual name of your product or service in the URL (web address) even if that is different from your usual business name. For example, if you are selling cookies, you would want your URL to be something like If that name is already in use, consider or anything else appropriate for your product. This is extremely important because many internet search engines will assign added value or weight when ranking your web site for anyone looking for your particular product or service!
If you are going to be a business-to-business service provider or vendor, you might want to consider a more corporate sounding name. Think of a word to describe your business, and then add the word "Consulting." I know, people are tired of consultants, but it will nevertheless work better with business-to-business customers and vendors.
If you're pursuing an even trendier market, you might consider choosing a less formal name. For example, you might want to name your business after an animal, and incorporate that animal into your logo. If you don't have a large marketing budget, a logo is an excellent way to get started branding your business. Be sure to have your logo professionally designed. It's going to become your public face! Branding can be incredibly important for your future success. For example, look at Government Employees Insurance Company - GEICO. GEICO utilizes that cute sounding gecko for virtually all its commercials now. What do you remember when you think of car insurance? Well, you might also think of Allstate. Are you in good hands? Yes, a catchy, attention-grabbing phrase is also an excellent way to identify your business to the public!
You can also employ a very short name or acronym. Take two or three words that describe your business, and shorten them to create one new word or acronym. So you end up with IHOP (International House of Pancakes) or IBM (International Business Machines) or P&G (Procter & Gamble)... This is a terrific way to express what your business does without anyone having a hard time remembering your business' name. Even better, it makes for a great, easy to remember, and easy to type URL (web address).
Inevitably, for some businesses finding a good fit will be nearly impossible. In that event, you'll just have to play with combinations of words until you come up with a name that sounds right and fits your business. If you do it well enough, it will be completely unique to your business. In fact, that's not such a bad idea!
Another thing you might try is going to one or two of the web sites which show you the current key word phrases that are being searched for in your product line or field. You could also google some appropriate key words, and check the results pages for ideas.
Caveat - whatever name you select, invent, or decide on should be 1) easy to remember 2) easy to pronounce, 3) easy to type and 3) easy to spell. Also, as mentioned earlier, insure that no one else has a prior claim on your new name. Do that before you do any advertising or logo design work. You certainly don't want to design and build a web site around someone else's name!
It is a good idea to bounce your planned name off a few other people to make sure it really is suitable. One good way to do this is to post a note in appropriate internet newsgroups, or in a business oriented online forum.
Finally, after you have made a choice, sleep on it for a few days to make absolutely sure it is the right choice. Sometimes a couple days make a big difference in your thinking and in your perception.
This article was prepared by Walter Boyd, CEO of, an incorporated online home business serving internet entrepreneurs since July 1995. Anyone may copy and reprint this article as long as this resource box is included, and no changes are made to the content.
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