You ask yourself these questions: over and over. You know that it is time to update your website. Your business depends on it. Word of mouth advertising is all you can afford. "I am determined to get the best website I can, and I want to get it just right," says the little voice in your mind. "I will not repeat the same mistakes as last time.? Many web page designers are easy to work with. Most of them will treat you with sound business acumen and deliver on their word. Some others require a written contract. All of these questions are acceptable because you are paying for it! Choosing a website design and hiring a new web page designer doesn't come cheap. You can spend as much time looking for a reputable designer as you can for searching all the options you have for finalizing your design. The decision to update or start a webpage scares a lot of people. Small businesses have to choose carefully as their dollars are going into something they know they need to spend money on, but are not too aware of the process works. Sometimes choosing a website designer is easy. Send them an email, choose a template, upload a few graphics, and "Voila" . . . a new webpage. Many of you know that first impressions are critical for the success of your "on line" presence. When a prospective customer comes to your website, you have less than one minute for them to make up their mind about what you are selling; or saying or go to
Ok. Now that we are "aware that we are aware" of the situation let us start. You should allow yourself plenty of time to make smart decisions. No decent web page designer should be allowed to rush you. It is your website. The more information that you gather for yourself before you even choose the first page of a new website, the better you will feel when the process is done. You get a great new website and the webpage designer gets a satisfied customer. Make a simple list. When you ask these questions the web site designer will know that you are "talking the talk." The designer will also be relieved to find out that you are making intelligent choices and will be more helpful to you in getting the best "bang for your buck" -- the maximum return on your money spent and a wonderful new webpage. Have a list of some of the best links you can find on Google or Yahoo searches that "look" like you would want your webpage to seem like. Usually five to ten choices are about right. Have your new graphics (unless the webpage designer is designing a new logo or something) ready in a digital format like .jog's or .pang. They can be manipulated as the design process progresses, but have a small sampling, up front, helps focus on ideas for your presentation. Look at some examples of the web page designer you are considering. How do they communicate themselves? You should have gotten some recommendations from some of your business associates or at least a couple of referrals from people from whom you really value their opinion you can visit
Word of mouth works wonders in this step. Don't let the website design push you toward a particular webpage choice only. Shop around. If you don't like what is happening with process of designing your web site, step back and take a better view. You can get excellent advice from most web page designers, and they should be glad to help, or you can find a better designer. Make the effort to communicate your dream, your "vision," to the designer you have chosen. Talk, email, and fax (it is much cheaper now-a-days because of free long distance rates), phone call: all are the foundation of your new website. As the design process advances and you discover new ideas that you want to incorporate, your web page designer should be flexible and accepting. Don't worry about the agreed upon "contract" price, as most decent website designers will incorporate a little "wiggle room" into their quotes, and will cheerfully cooperate. Don't look at the draft web page for at least one week. This gives you time to become unfocused on too many details. This step is important! Don't get pushed into a deadline that you may regret later because you didn't use your other resources. Church friends, magazine layouts, a fresh Google search, a look at your new design by a non-web, non-internet person. You will thank yourself later. This is the money in the bank. You have an unlimited ability to change. Change is good. You will be well rewarded when the check is "in the mail." For example: is there anyone who can forget the first time they heard "Smooth Operator" by Side on the radio. Most people loved it. Many people didn't care. Many years have gone by. One cannot truly forget the dulcet tones, the "sultans of smooth." If you saw the video, you were immediately captured by the ing?nue lounge singer.
A Web Page Designer
"This time, the job will be done right!"
"I won't pay the bill to the web page designer until they . . . ?"
"How do I chose the right web page designer"?
You ask yourself these questions: over and over. You know that it is time to update your website. Your business depends on it. Word of mouth advertising is all you can afford. "I am determined to get the best website I can, and I want to get it just right," says the little voice
in your mind. "I will not repeat the same mistakes as last time."
Many web page designers are easy to work with. Most of them will treat you with sound business acumen and deliver on their word. Some others require a written contract. All of these questions are acceptable because you are paying for it! Choosing a website design and hiring a new web page designer doesn't come cheap. You can spend as much time looking for a reputable designer as you can for searching all the options you have for finalizing your design.
The decision to update or start a webpage scares a lot of people. Small businesses have to choose carefully as their dollars are going into something they know they need to spend money on, but are not too aware of the process works. Sometimes choosing a website designer is easy. Send them an email, choose a template, upload a few graphics, and "Voila" . . . a new webpage. Many of you know that first impressions are critical for the success of your "on line" presence. When a prospective customer comes to your website, you have less than one minute for them to make up their mind about what you are selling; or saying.
Ok. Now that we are "aware that we are aware" of the situation let us start. You should allow yourself plenty of time to make smart decisions. No decent web page designer should be allowed to rush you. It is your website. The more information that you gather for yourself before you even choose the first page of a new website, the better you will feel when the process is done. You get a great new website and the webpage designer gets a satisfied customer.
Make a simple list. When you ask these questions the web site designer will know that you are "talking the talk." The designer will also be relieved to find out that you are making intelligent choices and will be more helpful to you in getting the best "bang for your buck" -- the
maximum return on your money spent and a wonderful new webpage.
One. Have a list of some of the best links you can find on Google or Yahoo searches that "look" like you would want your webpage to seem like. Usually five to ten choices are about right.
Two. Have your new graphics (unless the webpage designer is designing a new logo or something) ready in a digital format like .jpg's or .png's. They can be manipulated as the design process progresses, but have a small sampling, up front, helps focus on ideas for
your presentation.
Three. Look at some examples of the web page designer you are considering. How do they communicate themselves? You should have gotten some recommendations from some of your business associates or at least a couple of referrals from people from whom
you really value their opinion. Word of mouth works wonders in this step.
Four. Don't let the website design push you toward a particular webpage choice only. Shop around. If you don't like what is happening with process of designing your web site, step back and take a better view. You can get excellent advice from most web page
designers, and they should be glad to help, or you can find a better designer.
Five. Make the effort to communicate your dream, your "vision," to the designer you have chosen. Talk, email, fax (it is much cheaper now-a-days because of free long distance rates), phone call: all are the foundation of your new website. As the design process advances and you discover new ideas that you want to incorporate, your web page designer should be flexible and accepting. Don't worry about the agreed upon "contract" price, as most decent website designers will incorporate a little "wiggle room" into their quotes, and will cheerfully cooperate.
Six. Don't look at the draft web page for at least one week. This gives you time to become unfocused on too many details. This step is important! Don't get pushed into a deadline that you may regret later because you didn't use your other resources. Church friends,
magazine layouts, a fresh Google search, a look at your new design by a non-web, non-internet person. You will thank yourself later.
Seven. This is the money in the bank. You have an unlimited ability to change. Change is good. You will be well rewarded when the check is "in the mail." For example: is there anyone who can forget the first time they heard "Smooth Operator" by Sade on the radio.
Most people loved it. Many people didn't care. Many years have gone by. One cannot truly forget the dulcet tones, the "sultaness of smooth." If you saw the video, you were immediately captured by the ing?nue lounge singer. Who is that girl? What a wonderful
saxophone solo!
As you attempt to design your new webpage, remember those same feelings and thought processes. Your new
website should be looked at with the same enthusiasm and wonder.
Take a look at a few Sade websites like . They have nothing to do with your new jewelry website, or business contact webpage, or Uncle Connie's favorite recipe showcase. You have done a great job in asking yourself these key questions and
Both Nalini Bhagta & Ed Parton are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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