Have you ever been involved in an accident at work? Hopefully the answer is no, but please realize that accidents at work do happen and more often than you may think. Most of the time it's a matter of a specific hazard but there are a number of procedures that can prevent an accident at work from occurring in the first place.
Your Personal Safety Around The Workplace
Your employers have to make sure that adequate safety measures are in place in and around the whole of your workplace. Accidents are usually an unfortunate event, or usually a series of events, but depending on the type of work that is being carried out, practical and substantial safety measures must be implemented to prevent an accident at work. This keeps the accident risk to a minimum although there is never a 100% certainty that nothing will happen.
Providing Proper Equipment For The Job
Depending on the type of work that you are doing, your employers have to make sure that you are equipped with everything that you need, both physically and in terms of information, to keep you safe. There are several factors that need to be fully addressed like the tasks you have to carry out, the materials involved and the risk factor of your operations. If there is an increased in risk in one or more of your operations you need to be informed in due time of this fact. This risk increase could be the result of a job parameter changing.
Correct Training For Everyone
Suitable training for any job is essential not only for you but also for your colleagues at your workplace. Employers need to make sure that you aren't being put at risk by other workers. If they are not trained correctly, or for example come drunk to work and something happens to you then the employers are directly responsible and it's considered a liability.
Employers are directly responsible for the conditions in which you work. There has to be proper ventilation, lighting, safety gear and so on. If one or more of these factors are disregarded and an accident at work happens you are entitled to lodge an accident at work claim.
It is a fact that the majority of people who are entitled to compensation never make a claim. Generally this is because of fear. Fear of the employer, fear of co-workers, fear or losing the job and so on. Most will simply claim sick pay and never report the accident at work. We have a duty to make sure that others do not suffer the same way and that proper safety procedures are implemented. This is not being a troublemaker. If your injury has been caused by negligence then make a claim.
This is important: Do not ignore the accident. If it has happened to you then it will happen to someone else as well. Apart from financial compensation, your action in making a claim and highlighting the problem helps others and could even save lives. People don't go looking for an accident at work so there is no need to feel guilty.
So, basically you have 2 options:
1. Request An Accident At Work Claim Form.
If you think that what happened is because of neglect or ignorance then go ahead and make a claim.
Do not be threatened either by management or other workers. The fact of the matter is that you suffered an injury which should not have happened. It's easy for others to stand back and criticize. The employers have a duty of care toward all their employees and visitors.
2. Claim Your Sick Pay And Do Nothing Else.
Think carefully before you decide to do nothing about it. An accident at work is a hazardous thing and you have to know your options in case something goes wrong.
You should always make notes of any relevant facts as soon as you are able even if you are not going to make a claim. You may change your mind and without facts it will be difficult to make a claim for your accident at work at a later date.
Accident At Work Claim
Back injuries in the work environment are fairly common, and back injuries can be a tricky part of the body to get better due to fractures and sprains causing permanent weakness in the persons back.
All work environments may involve some lifting and if this is true then every employee should do some manual handling training. This will involve being shown how to lift a variety of different objects from the floor, trolley and lifting from higher shelves. Any manual handling training should be recorded on your training record. If your employer doesn't give you the training necessary for the job you're doing and you do hurt yourself lifting an object off the ground, you may be able to claim compensation for the suffering you may have been caused, the medical costs and bills and also any loss of earnings.
Here are some tips to help you avoid back injuries whilst manual handling objects:
• Your employer should make sure you undertake manual handling training
• You should take care when you do lift something to stop yourself from hurting your back
• Before you lift any object consider
o The weight of the object
o Can you use a trolley or another item to help you without needing to manual handle the object
o Do you need help with moving the object, ask if you do
o Work as a team if you do need help, get someone to watch you lifting it also
o Do you need any protective clothing on for example, gloves which protect your hands, steel capped boots to protect your feet etc?
• When you do lift the object you should:
o Use the correct lifting technique for the size and location of the object
o Lift the object in stages, take it from the floor to your knees then lift into the carrying position
o Make sure the object is level with your waist when moving and hold it close to your body
o Don't have the object obstructing your view so you can't see where your going
o When you come to set the object down, lower the object to your knees and then place on the floor keeping your feet apart and your back straight
Never over reach or twist as this is a common cause of serious back injuries, if you follow the instructions above they will help you be able to manual handle objects without the need to cause yourself back injuries.
If unfortunately you've already injured your back at work lifting objects, a solicitor who specializes in personal injury and work accidents will be able to help you claim the compensation you deserve.
A No Win No Fee solicitor will take on the case if the accident was in the last three years and that they think you have a very good chance of claiming compensation from your employer. If you are successful in claiming compensation you will receive the full amount and your solicitor will gain their legal fees from the other party's insurance company. If you are unfortunate not to win they won't get paid a penny. So what you got to lose, claim Today!
Both Taff Martin & Jene Pedder are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Jene Pedder has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hair Styles, Legal Matters and Finances. Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Accident Consult who work on a No Win No Fee Basis and specialize in. Jene Pedder's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark Jene Pedder to your Favourites.
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