If you have completed a full year of improvisation training program somewhere and you have completed, as a minimum one acting course then you are qualified to audition for a Conservatory Program. If you have completed a bachelors degree in theatre then you can enroll in a Improvisational Techniques for Actors program. If you can not meet any of those criteria, then you should enroll in a Beginning Improv Program. By starting out with a Beginning Program you gain a much more complete picture of what it is to be an actor, and it will increase your chances of a more successful career.
What does Acting Classes cost.
It really depends upon the program. Take a look at the program description for the exact tuition you are looking at. On average the tuition is $260 per eight week. Most classes meet once a week for 2.5 to 3.0 hours per class meeting. Normally the full tuition is due upon registering for a class, because the schools do not like hold a spot for you unless you pay the full tuition fee. And futher more the tuition fee is usually non-refundable.
Acting Classes and Improv training.
A full years worth of improv training is one year of training at a recognized school of improvisation. The Playground, ImprovOlympic or ComedySportz are all examples of these schools.
The mainstage comes after Acting Classes.
The mainstage resident company is cast for invitation only. But the Second City does hold auditions for its National Touring Company approximately once every year. To be considered for an audition, you must have completed a program of study at an institution like the Second City Training Center.
So, do you have doubts whether you should continue with the acting or not? Are you willing to give it all it takes? I say give it your best shot!
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