Today, work at home is an increasingly popular choice for individuals who are fighting to control every penny of expense. Financial benefits accrue to those working from the home both on the expense side and on the income side. It simply costs less to live when you eliminate commuting costs from your monthly budget. You will spend less on eating out, car insurance, tires and clothing when you are not traveling away from your home each day. Your income picture may also improve when you are able to set the prices for the work you do or the product you sell.
Work at home is good for your health--both physical and mental. It's a known fact that too much stress, particularly the bad kind of stress is not good for you. It has been related to heart disease, high blood pressure, and other physical ailments. Working at a job you don't like or working around people that you dislike can lead to intense mental stress and in turn to physical illnesses. When you work at home, you can be as antisocial as you care to be, or you can communicate in a positive way with potential customers online and on the telephone.
Social Life
Another of the advantages when you choose to work at home is the benefit to your social life. How often have you had to turn down an event or a trip because you would be too exhausted to go to work if you attended the fun activity? When your business is at home, you can schedule your work around your social activities instead of the alternative. Imagine the fun of being able to plan a singles cruise to Acapulco in the dead of winter. Even if your idea of a social life is an afternoon watching your daughter's track meet, you can plan to attend without a huge confrontation with your boss.
Working hours
When you work at home, not only can you schedule your social activities separate from your working days, but you can decide when during the day or the week that you want to work. You do not need to work from 8 to 5 with an hour off for lunch. You don't have to work from Monday through Friday. Since the internet is a global marketplace, you can match your working hours with the majority of your order receipts hours. You can also make allowances for yourself if you prefer to work at night after the rest of your household is sleeping. You can also take a nap if you prefer during mid day.
Intellectual challenge
Work at home can be intellectually challenging, because you don't have to do something just because it's always been done that way. You are free to experiment, strike out in new directions, or stay with what has been proven to work in the past. If you are the type of person who loves a challenge, discovering problems and satisfactorily resolving them is the highest form of problem solving. You are the one in charge, to succeed or to be forced to reassess your plans and actions.
Admin Work At Home
If you really want to succeed in business and in anything in life, putting past habits behind you. Throw those negative thoughts out of your mind just like you can throw out old furniture from your house. All of them can have a huge influence on your future. You need to know that the past does not and will not equal the future. don't think like that because you may never get what you really want. Don't let past experiences take you in the wrong direction in life and in business.
Here's a good example:
A person was raised by parents who were alcoholics, drug addicts, and were flat out broke. His parents never gave him what he really needed to succeed in life and that is a good education. He is an adult now and has a low paying job. If you go out and tell him that he can be all the he wants to be, the first thoughts that he will be getting is the thoughts of the way his parents raised him, how he did not have the education, and how he can not make it big in life. He is using his past experiences as an excuse. He was taught one thing and that is "failure".
There are a lot of good, solid, and legitimate work at home opportunities out there in the online and offline world. The most famous one is called network marketing. Ever heard of that:
An individual joins an MLM company. They get into an OK company. They use the products. They read all the materials that are given to them. All the materials and training are given to them but as time goes by and they don't see any good results. So they quit.
One year later, someone contacts them about a new network marketing company. They get them to a meeting and the person gets excited again. Once they leave the meeting, they suddenly think about the company that they were in a year ago. Thoughts of failure surrounds their thinking and they never go back again to building an income from this kind of business. Their past clearly controls their present and future thinking and decisions.
This person will always believe that this type of business does not work and will never work for him. He clearly let's past experiences influence him in a bad way.
He put past experience in the present and it influences him and his decisions for the future.
The reason why so many people fail in life is because they let past experiences control their future. I am here to tell you that the past does not equal the future. These people have got to put these experiences in the back and look into the future in a whole new different way.
How can someone do this? One of the things that I found to be helpful is to read motivational books and listen to inspirational tapes. This is by far the best way that a person can go and change his life in the decisions that he makes for himself and looking into the future.
There are a lot of stories out there of people who had bad things happen to them in the past. They had a lot of experiences that influenced their directions in life. For some, these same bad experiences helped them become highly successful in life and for some it buried them in many ways.
If you think that every successful person or celebrity had everything when they were growing up as kids, then you are wrong. Many of them had some very bad lives. Their parents were poor. They barely had money for food and clothes. But these people did not let past experience influence them in a bad way. This past experiences did influence them in a good way and that is why they are making it big in every aspect of their life.
Some people take their past bad experiences in life and turn them around as a positive influence on their future.
Past bad life experiences sends people in the direction of never ever doing anything effective with their lives. They live their past in the present and let it control them for the future.
If you can change the way you are thinking then you can change your life for the better. There is magic in thinking positive and wanting to make positive changes in your life. Put the past behind you and move on the better things in life.
Both Alan Lim & Tal Fighel are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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