Any product or service that requires storage or access on the internet will use the services of a web hosting company to do this. Anything that is stored or accessible on the Internet will require some form of storage; sometimes this is even supplied free of charge but is normally part of an overall package. The hosting company has a number of servers, or data centers, where each person is provided with varying amounts of space to store their digital media, including websites; others can then access these files (web pages for example).
Many types exist, some provide free hosting but with these types you pay the price of having restricted facilities that usually allow the likes of blogs, email and basic websites to be accessed. However, if you're planning to expand you should shift to a paid service as free web hosting only gives you limited space and sub-domains for your site. There will be a large number of companies offering paid hosting but the prices do vary and this is usually down to how much is actually supplied as part of the package; any confusion is normally quite easy to overcome by using one of the internet comparison sites that are becoming very popular.
You may settle for a shared server (where you share your space with other website owners) and it is a good tip is to go for the shared hosting first.Once you are comfortable with the service level then it might be worth upgrading to a dedicated server. With web hosting you get your own web space, but you do need to have a registered domain before you can use it, then you are allocated with enough storage to keep all your files for online publication.
All companies will allocate a certain amount of space for your website and any other files required to be stored there (photos and MP3 tracks, for example) and this can be anything from 500Mb or more, depending on the host and package you are paying for.
Web hosting also provides the facility to have your own email address unlike those supplied by Google and Yahoo for example, this means, your e-mail address is exclusive to your website. If you have a business presence online you cannot afford to have another company's name at the end of your own e.g. when it should really look like this: If you have a busy site with lots of visitors, downloads or video etc.
Insufficient bandwidth will cause problems as visitors will be unable to see your site if it has been used up and you have a few more days before it is re-set for the following month, so you may need to use another web host. This point becomes more important when you have a site that provides large video, audio and image files to its visitors as all of these use up the bandwidth you have been allocated as part of your package. You may have your own web host in your PC, but that can be too risky; the best option is to settle for paid web hosting, even if you're new to the internet.
Affordable Web Hosting For
There is a growing popularity about having your own web site so web hosting, for business and individual use is on the rise. Many new companies have a small budget and they need to spend money on other areas as well as their website. It is also true that an individual may not want to spend a lot of money on something that is primarily a hobby. These are the customers that many of the web hosts want to meet and they have developed tailored packages to meet their needs.
If saving money is on your priority list while hosting a website then here are the different types of Web Hosting you can opt for. Despite of some of the limitations that one may have to face on websites hosted by these methods, it is sure to save you the pain of big investment.
Key areas of shared web hosting.
Understanding shared web hosting. A shared web host provider is an option for small companies or individuals to have their site hosted at a reasonable price. This is due to the fact that a number of websites will be hosted in the same server, which provides an economic boost to all the sites as they can share the cost of the server between them.
Those running a small or medium sized company looking for an affordable web hosting can opt for the shared web hosting service. In a shared web hosting a number of people share the same web server but each website has its own place on the server which separates it from the other sites on the server. Sharing your business web hosting is probably the most economical decision you can make for your business.
Making this decision will give you a bundle of features for a reduced fee. This may include having access to a number of email accounts, which is beneficial for a small or medium sized firm. This makes it easier for a firm to run their business site.
There are good points to this system but there are also negative issues. A customer can save money but there are limitations and there may be issues that arise in the long term provision of this service:
The shared web hosting service providers do not properly support secure websites (HTTPS). All name-based virtual hosts using the same IP address share the same digital certificate.
* If there are times that the DMS (Domain Name System) is unable to work as it should then it is extremely difficult to use a website that is virtually hosted.
They will not function with browsers that do not send the hostname as part of requests. For example, the older HTTP/1.0 browsers that have not retrofitted the host field feature from the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
Cheap Web Hosting
Many more people want an online presence but they do not need a lot of disk space or bandwidth. This allows them to have their own individual home page that contains private details about them. As they do not require much else, it is possible to have their goals met for a very low cost.
Although many Web Hosts offer a cheap price, they are also able to offer a good level of service, some of these firms are noted below:
* IX webhosting
* IPowWeb
* GoDaddy
* Netfirms
* Dot5Hosting
* Dot5Hosting
* PowWeb
* Lunarpages
* PowWeb
* BlueHost
Web Hosting on a budget
Budget web hosting is one of the most popular types of web hosting since it doesn't require a lot of investments and thus helps in saving money. It however provides with top-quality services and options. There are many Web Hosts, which offer budget hosting. If you want to save money and yet get good quality service then budget hosting is what you require.
Free Web Hosting:
Understanding the free Web Hosting service. Free web hosting is made possible by having adverts on your site and being offered a reduced number of functions. Many sites claim to offer free web hosting and their provision is perfect for people who do not want to spend money on their website and do not require many features. These free hosts are usually catered for on a subdomain or perhaps a directory. The features that are found on a free web host include:
* A web based control panel
* The ability to use script languages such as ASP, Perl and PHP amongst others.
* When they are domain or subdomain hosted, free email accounts
* Being able to transfer files by means of FTP
* Relational databases such as MySQL
* Processes that are scheduled
* Have no data limitations offering unlimited space
* Community services like forums that would not be provided by a number of paid hosts
* The ability to be rewarded for loyalty and use by being awarded additional services or products
Many people see free web hosting as a good way to trail a site and many firms offer the basic package for free and then charge for an upgrade. This means users can determine if they like the service at no charge. There are plus points and bad points to free web hosting. There is no monthly fee but there may be many features you want but do not have, like having support or availability at all times. There are a host of free web sites and you may wish to look at Agility Hoster, Free Domain Site, Gigacities, Free Space or AX Space. If these do not suit your needs, the following firms may be better, Free Webhosting Pro, Free Webhosting, Trap 17, X10 Hosting and ForwardHost.
Limitations of Free Web Hosting:
* A finite restriction of the size of each file
* A greatly reduced bandwidth size per month compared to paid for sites
The hotlinking of files is disabled
* A restriction placed on a variety of file types which can include MPEG, ZIP and MP3
* The Webhosts Banner or Popup Ads will be forcibly placed on all web pages
* Free web hosts will make no guarantee of uptime
However, depending on your needs, a free web host server can be effective and fill all your requirements. There is no need for investment and can provide enough services to enable you to start any project online.
Both Alex Gwen Thomson & Matt Hedges are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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