Observing the ever increasing incidents of drug abusing and the deteriorations of the quality of the work output drug testing has been made mandatory at many corporations so that they can control or prevent any harmful effect that may occur to the employees and also to the other employees with strong hand thus keeping the environment safe and healthy.
Various types of drug test are followed according to the various levels and circumstances. To mention the various levels and circumstances of corporate drug testing they are pre-employment drug testing, post accident drug testing, random drug testing, return to duty/ follow-up testing, request to retest and reasonable suspicion test. All of which aims at keeping the corporate environment healthy.
1. Pre-Employment Drug Test- It is the most common type of drug test followed by almost all the corporations and it is followed at the time of recruitment to detect the whether the candidate consumes drugs like marijuana, cocaine, PCP, opiates and amphetamines.
2. Post Accident Drug Test- Post drug testing is conducted on any employee who meets with an accident during the job timings. If the employee is found to take drug then the company is not duty-bound to pay for the employee or it is neither compelled to any sort of cases which may affect the company's concern. It is wrong to interpret post accident drug test to fire the employee but it aims at protecting the company from the legal responsibility in the event that the individual is the victim of drug that caused the accident.
3. Random drug test- This type of drug test act as a deterrent on the employees as they will think several times before taking drugs as these tests are conducted without any prior notice.
4. Return to duty/ Follow-up test- This test gives a second chance to any employee who could not pass the drug test. The employee is allowed to once again undergo the drug test within forty-five days from the last test. The person should get a clearance from the EAP to rejoin the job. It does not end here; the person will have to undergo unannounced and periodical drug testing for six times even in the following year.
5. Request to retest-?Retest? as the name suggest is to sit or undergo for the test if there is any doubt with the result of the already done test. If an employee who has undergone the drug test has any kind of doubt with the result then he/she has the right to apply for retest to confirm the result and it can be done only after seventy-two hours after the previous test is been done.
6. Reasonable Suspicion Test- If any of the employee's behavior is found to be suspicious then the employers has the right to conduct both the drug test and alcohol test. And if the employee is identified for the reasonable suspects then he is liable to get suspended but when the results for the drug test are negative then he/she will be again taken in the job and will also be paid for the length of period he has been prevented to work.
All the above mentioned drug test solely aims at improving the working environment but it is also true that person identified to be using drug get a stain in their career. Again it is also true that drug test act as a prevention on the employees as they will think several times before taking drugs so that they are not fired as no wants to lose their job.
Against Random Drug Testing
Drug is now a common problem among youngsters. There are various reasons behind this drug addiction. Any one get addicted to drug. He may be experiencing that stuff; he may be thinking that drug is fashionable thing to do. Friends and familiar people are also responsible for this addiction. Out depression, and despair men can be addicted to this illegal medicines of recreation. Drug is a biological substance which can be synthetic or non synthetic and is taken mainly for a purpose. The purposes can be relieving symptoms, curing diseases or as preventive medicine etc. But by the term drugs we usually mean something illegal and recreational drugs. There are lots of drugs and lots of ways to intake those drugs.
Now in America to check this habit and addiction government has recommended that every institution have the right to test their subjects a drug test before employing them in their office. It may be an office or it may be a school. But if the authority wants test this to confirm the matter then you cannot protest but have to do the test. Actually you can not be confirmed from any ones behavior whether she or he is addicted to drug or something like that. In order to prove your suspicion you have to do that. Commonly the symptoms are lack of attention, lack of interest in his or her work, abandonment from family members, swing of mood, decreasing of self-esteem, change of style, and change in dressing senses, repeated absenteeism from school and workplace are some of visible symptoms of drug abuse And now the employer does not want to waste his money power recruiting a drunken or drug addicted man. Therefore everyone prefers this test before sending the call letter to their recruited men.
Now we have to discuss about the various methods of testing drug. Now the methods of drug testing are following. The presence of drugs in anyone's body is mainly determined by four tests. They are Urine Test, Hair/Hair Follicle Test, Blood Test and Saliva Test. The candidate has to provide the required specimen for the testing which is tested by a Drug Test Kit or is sent to laboratory for detail checking.
Generally the common way of testing is testing anyone's urine. You have to pass a urine test to pass a drug test. Urine is checked by a panel kit or is sent to a laboratory. Another way of checking is hair follicle test. Pass a hair test is painful and that is why is not done generally. But this test confirms the probable dose of drugs in taking. Saliva test is not done frequently. Blood test is another test to be sure about this. This is an expensive test only to determine drug in anyone's blood.
If you want to clear a drug test then you must ensure that there is not any metabolized trace of drug in your body. You must acquire some knowledge about the time period that a toxin stays in your system. And then take a proper counter way to pass a drug test.
Both Smart & Mark Flaming are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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