This reminded me of a client I had who was nowhere to be seen when you Googled their name. This was a huge problem since they were 100% referral and many people searched for their company name on the Internet to find their website. It took two months for them to start showing up, but when they did, it was a HUGE money maker for them. Potential customers who had been referred were finally able to find them.
With the pursuit of optimizing a site for certain keywords, so many companies forget to optimize for their own company name.
The Proof is in the Puddin'
A recent study by Nielsen//Net ratings suggest that when web users know the name of a website, they prefer to type in a domain name in the "search box" of Google or Yahoo, rather than typing a domain name into the browser bar.
What does this tell you? Well, it says that if someone has heard of your company, they're either going to type in your website name or your domain name into the search box and your website better be ready and waiting at the top of the search engines.
Do YOU show up when your name or company name is Googled?
Here's How You Do it
to search engine optimize (SEO) your company name on your website, here are some tips. (This isn't an exhaustive list of all that you can do, but it's enough to get you started.)
** Choose one page on your website to optimize for your company name. It might be your Home page, Contact Us page or About Us page. I recommend your About Us page - it seems that it's easier and better to talk about you on that page than any other page. Conversely, the Home page should be all about them (What's In It for me?) - Not about you.
** Add your company name to the ALT tags where possible. ALT tags are the tags that are connected to the images of your website. Search engines don't index images, so any text on your site that is in the form of an image won't get indexed. The search engines read the text and the keywords in the ALT tags instead.
** Add your company name to your Meta Tags: namely, Meta titles, Meta description and Meta keywords. A recent study showed that only 34% of Web site owners knew enough to include a simple keyword Meta tag on their website. Therefore, if you add a keyword and properly optimize the rest of your page, you'll be doing more than 66% of website owners. Of the 34% of owners who DO add Meta data, so many forget to add their company name to the titles, description and keywords! They only remember to add keywords related to their products/services. If YOU remember to do this, think how much further ahead you'll be...
** Add your company name as a keyword to your chosen page's body and work it into the content at least 3-4 times. Try to place it one time nearer to the top of the page body. Repeat your company name at the start and end of your paragraphs and near the end of the body. That way, search engines won't make any mistake about the content since your company name is used repetitively and throughout the content.
** Where possible, include your company name within your hyperlinks. For example on the Home page, you could include the words "Contact XYZ Company" within the hyperlink copy instead of just "Contact Us".
** Finally be patient. With these steps and ONLY these steps, I helped one company go from not showing up on Google at all, to #1 in Google for their company name.
With the pursuit of optimizing a site for certain keywords, so many companies forget to optimize for their own company name.
All I Really Want Is Money In My Pocket
In Orlando, Florida, new homes are springing up everywhere. The area is booming with newcomers, tourists, retirees, and even second homeowners who enjoy vacationing in Orlando every year. Even the number of people who are securing preconstruction condos and homes is on the rise. What does this mean for you? Plenty of opportunity! And with the Florida buyers rebate, you can now even receive cash back just for building a new home.
What is a New Home Rebate?
A new home rebate is issued to you when you build a new home construction. New homebuilders offer a standard commission of 3% to licensed Florida Realtors. As a buyer, you are protected by law so the builder doesn't "up your price" to pay this commission. On the other hand, the price also remains the same even if you do not go through a broker. So, the builder pockets the commission. The builder is not allowed to pay this commission directly to you, but to a licensed Realtor only. When you do use a Realtor, the Realtor can in turn offer you a percentage of their commissions just for using their services.
One particular service being offered by a Realtor in Orlando, Florida right now is the amazing 2% new home rebate. With this Florida buyer's rebate, you could receive anywhere from $2,000 up to $30,000 in rebate money. This new homebuyer's incentive not only gives you extra money in your pocket, but also gives you incentive to use a Realtor's services for building your new home in Orlando. These services can save you time and money because the Realtor will be able to guide you through the process. They've done it plenty of times before and know all the ins and outs of building a new construction home. You can save yourself from many headaches by using a Realtor's services.
Benefits of the New Home Rebate
There are many benefits when you take advantage of a new home rebate. An obvious benefit is that the rebate is money in your pocket after building your new home. Also, this Florida buyers rebate program can help you to do any last minute remodeling or landscaping. The money can be used to pay toward your homeowner's loan to reduce payments or interest, or to shave years off your payment period. It can be used for college tuition for your children. You can invest the money for the future and draw interest. If you are a real estate investor, you can use the new home rebate as a down payment for a future investment. The possibilities are endless.
Qualifying for a Florida Buyers Rebate
To qualify, you must contact a Realtor first (before contacting a builder) who is offering a new home rebate as an incentive. It is not offered by everyone. You will likely be asked by the Realtor to fill out forms (proof that they referred you). Then, you must let the builder's on-site representative know before getting started that you were referred by that particular Realtor and present the necessary paperwork. Be sure to specify which Realtor referred you before coming to any agreements with the builder. The Realtor's name must appear on your sales contract.
Once you've taken the necessary steps, the builder will pay their commission to the Realtor, and the Realtor will pay the new home rebate to you. It's a simple process that can put thousands of dollars in your pocket.
You can find valuable information about the Florida buyers rebate online. Be sure to study the procedures before contacting a new homebuilder. If you contact them first, it could mean losing your rebate. So use online resources and the realty tips above to secure your new home rebate and enjoy the benefits for years to come.
Both Bobby 1234 & Chris Robertson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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