When you advertise what are you really trying to do?
Firstly get noticed amongst a sea of other advertisers.
Then after gaining their attention you have to convince them to trust you (presell) and take the appropriate action. If it all sounds a little tedious or too much like hard work there is an alternative that might just free up a little of that precious commodity "your time".
What if instead of advertising to find customers you could somehow get customers to find you?
And what if this methodology cost you nothing except two minutes of your time? You'd be more than a little interested I bet!
I'm sure most of you are aware of submission tools, after all, they abound everywhere on the internet.
Submitting your URL to search engines and directories is a no brainer and easier that ever to do with the variety of automatic and bulk submission tools at your disposal.
But although better than not submitting, this strategy is hardly likely to jettison your website traffic into orbit which is what you need to attract enough customers interested in buying whatever it is you're offering or promoting.
Enter a brand new submission tool that is revolutionising the way customers are found on the internet. Actually it's more of a submission service than a tool. Put simply, this service will find customers for any referral or website URLs that are submitted into it's ever expanding database. The more URLs entered the better as customers will be found quicker for the submitter of those URLs.
This advertising alternative is called a "Customer Acquisition Exchange" and uses a process known as "Customer Reciprocation" to match submitted URLs with other submitter's buying habits or purchase intentions.
It goes much further than other submission services that seek to have the submitted URLs merely spidered by the search engines to gain pagerank for themselves while storing the submitted URLs in directories so large they may as well be archived or achieve such little exposure that they might as well be hidden. Even the search engines themselves will only take notice of the submissions if fresh content is added on a regular basis.
Unlike search engines and directories that receive predominantly website URLs, a Customer Acquisition Exchange" receives referral URLs and website URLs in equal measure as long as the submitted URL promotes something.
Most submission tools leave the submitted URL feeling like a needle in a haystack. Much like the way an internet marketer might feel trying to get his/her message out there and heard amongst millions of other internet marketers using traditional advertising techniques.
A Customer Acquisition Exchange brings the needles together out of the hay using the magnetic precision of Customer Reciprocation.
All the suspicion of potential buyers is eliminated when they find you rather than the other way around.
Let these customers discover you and your offerings by submitting your URLs into a Customer Acquisition Exchange today.
Michael Lever has sinced written about articles on various topics from The Internet, Flirting Tips and Hypnotherapy. Michael Lever is a co-founder and CEO of SpinningTornado.com, an independent company offering unbiased tools and services to help affiliate and network marketers build profitable online businesses.. Michael Lever's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Michael Lever to your Favourites.
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