Let us talk on the subject of one of the most widespread basis of sexual dysfunction problems that most people don't know and those substances in human body that function as the best for natural male enhancement purposes. The basis for some sorts of impotence can be hypertension - constant spasm of blood vessels. The original cause of bad blood supply of all organs and vasospasm (hypertension) is the continuing decreasing of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in arteries.
For instance, in consequence of a chronic spasm of vessels responsible for blood flow in genital areas (that without doubt leads to bad functioning of organs) some sorts of a prostatitis, impotence and sterility of men and women can develop. The point is that small blood vessels start to progressively narrow after 25 years old because of hypodynamia and stresses and this results in reduced blood supply of the cells, and then with time to all chronic diseases!
Thus, for natural normalization of some sexual dysfunctions the elimination of an ischemia of brain controlling systems and an ischemia of genitals by raising the level of CO2 in blood to standard level is needed. The carbon dioxide is known as a natural vasodilating compound in blood.
It was proved that with the years the human body loses the capacity to keep up the normal level of CO2 (about 6-6,5 %) in arterial blood, which is playing a role of natural spasmolytic, that is the substance resisting to narrowing of arterioles and maintaining a good blood flow in all organs including penis to have a firmer erections and good sexual performance.
Why the human body with the years loses the ability to make the normal levels of CO2?
Typically, homo sapiens behaves himself from the point of view of the Nature irrationally. His way of life contradicts a natural way of life. The vital part of normal lifestyle of human as any alive essence is movement, furthermore, frequent enough movement, extended and intensive. At movement the body generates and exhales in an atmosphere much more carbon dioxide than at rest. Ordinary exercises keep our bodies in a good shape and maintain healthy respiration system.
How to raise the level of carbon dioxide in blood up to normal, therefore, adjusting a blood flow to all organs?
1. Regular physical exercises;
2. The unique breathing device as "Samozdrav", outside the Russia it's recognized as "Cosmic Health " - the development of Russian scientists working in the field of cosmonautics. Cosmic Health has got main awards on shows in Brussels (1999), Moscow (2001) and Parish (2000).
The kit forms an active breathing air and CO2 blend, which has less oxygen but more carbon dioxide (this can be adjusted). Breathing through the kit for 20 minutes per day for about 2-6 months, brings to lessening of breathing rate and, thus, to increasing of CO2 in the blood to the best possible level of 6-6.5%.
3. Another natural enhancer is L-arginine amino acid which aids to produce nitric oxide (very essential chemical compound for blood vessel dilatation and penile erections). L-arginine is used for erectile dysfunction and can be found in such natural penile supplements as Enzyte, Magna RX. Like the drug sildenafil citrate (Viagra), L-arginine is thought to augment the action of nitric oxide, which relaxes muscles surrounding blood vessels supplying the penis. Accordingly, blood vessels in the penis extend, increasing blood flow, which aids maintain an erection. The unlikeness in how they work is that Viagra blocks an enzyme called PDE5 which wipes out nitric oxide and L-arginine is used to make nitric oxide.
In a study, 50 men with erectile dysfunction took either 5 grams of L-arginine every day or a placebo. Following six weeks, more men in the L-arginine group had an improvement than those taking the placebo. Not like Viagra, L-arginine must be taken every day.
Thus, I consider that either way you choose, after improving blood flow in all organs and especially in genital organs of your body all the enlargement devices and natural male enhancement pills will produce even better results for you.
Arginine And Nitric Oxide
An erection takes place when messages start in the brain and are transmitted to the blood vessels of the genitals. The messages then trigger the realize of Nitric oxide which allows the blood vessels to relax and increased blood flow to enter the Penis, thereby creating an erection.
The fact is if the levels of this chemical are not high enough you wont get an erection - Period.
This chemical is vital and many men who have low libido lack it - but the good news is you can increase naturally.
L'arginine is a non essential amino acid produced by the body and critical for producing nitric oxide as you get older this amino acid declines, so does nitric oxide and so does your libido. Lack of this chemical is far more common than low testosterone levels.
Like Viagra it is used to enhance the effect of nitric oxide and increase levels in the body allowing for a strong hard erection to occur.
In a test after just 2 weeks of supplementation, in excess of 80% of the group taking it reported increased sexual desire satisfaction and harder erections. This supplement is known as natures Viagra and with good reason; it is clinically proven to work.
You can also top up levels of nitric oxide from natural herbs and this has been done for centuries in China. Two herbs Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium help enhance levels naturally within the body and this combo also gives a host of other benefits including:
Increased and better blood circulation (you need strong blood flow and good circulation for an erection), increases levels of testosterone and finally, helps to increase energy levels and reduce stress, which are often passion killers.
Synthetic drugs are a quick fix and come with dangerous side affects and furthermore, they cant do one thing which the above natural products do and that's increase your desire and give you that tingling sensation that goes with sexual excitement.
Sure, there is a place for drugs when there are medical problems and no other option -but if you take the natural route you will be surprised at how effective natural products are, if taken in sufficient dosage.
So if you want better sex, drive, a stronger harder erection and herbs that benefit your overall wellbeing try the above and enhance your libido naturally.
Both Mike Silverstone.. & Kelly Price are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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