In the world of the fine arts, be it painting, sculpture, architecture or any other recognized form of art, for an aspirant to get a toehold is very difficult. This is where art competitions come to their rescue. This is a venue where he can exhibit his creation(s). The upbeat that an artist feels when he or she hears that his entry has been accepted has to be experienced. Many a success story has been launched from these events.
People generally attend competitions, not necessarily on art. Most people would normally hesitate to put their foot into an art gallery, but would unfalteringly enter into a place where a competition event is taking place and even come out with some pretty bold statements.
When a competition takes place, no matter what the competition is, quite a large number of people turn up to take part in it. This is natural because of the inherent thrill in the contest. The same happens in the case of art competitions also. People who would normally balk at the very idea of entering an art gallery would gladly enter on if there is a competition going on. The reasons are obvious and need no elaboration.
Where such a contest is scheduled to be held is very important. If held in a reputed gallery, the prestige of the competition and the prestige of the artists whose works are on exhibit gets greatly enhanced. The nature and value of the prize offered, though relevant, it is the exposure that the artist gets is the chief concern of the budding artist. If held under the glare of the media, the more the exposure.
The popularity or otherwise of a competition depends largely on the location where the competition is scheduled to be held. Rather than having one on a footpath or curb, one held in an art gallery or a museum is bound to draw a larger and more exclusive clientele who are more suggestive and likely to make a purchase. The possibility of a winner, a runner-up or even just an participant gaining further exposure chiefly depends on the status of the competition.
The odds of a particular work of art, whether it had won a prize or not, coming to the attention of a knowledgeable collector is possible. Even a favorable comment on it by the Judge or any member of the panel of Judges enhances the value of the work. The collector may or may not purchase it, but someone else might. Some painting may catch the fancy of another spectator who might not be a connoisseur, but who simply likes it. Experiencing art is on the personal level.
Once a painting is sold it, acquaintances and friends talk and comment about it. The circle of attention that the painting attracts becomes slowly wider. Another person my be inclined to visit another art competition where the particular artists works have been entered. The circle becomes wider and just about anything can happen.
Other than the artistic angle of the art competition, it can also turn out to be a lucrative business. Winning brings in cash prizes and what is needed more, the exposure. As such a serious artist who relies on art for a living has to enter more and more number of competitions. The more the better. One way to do this is to scrounge the Internet for details of where and when these competitions are held and enter them. The more the merrier. The pinnacle of fame might just be within reach.
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