There are many causes for this condition with some being chronic conditions and others being short term causes. In this article we will discuss the causes of bad breath as well as the cures.
Causes of Halitosis
* One of the very common but reasonably short term causes is eating foods that cause smelly breath such as garlic. Garlic will even carry on causing bad breath for a while even after there is no trace of the garlic left in the mouth. This is because the active ingredients are absorbed into the blood stream and are then expelled by the lungs as you breathe.
Brushing and flossing can disguise the smell a little but as long as the odour continues to be expelled as you breathe there will still be a certain amount of bad smelling gases. The good thing with garlic breath is that it will fade of and your breath will return to normal usually within a few hours.
* Smoking is another major cause. There is the taste left in the mouth as well as the expelled odour from the lungs. Smoking also affects oral hygiene and encourages gum disease. This can also contribute towards foul smelling breath. The obvious and only way to stop this is to give up smoking.
* The most common cause of chronic bad breath is usually plaque build up which can cause small pockets to appear between the teeth and gums. These pockets then fill up with food particles and bacteria. Normal brushing and even flossing will not be able to clean these pockets completely and it needs to be done by a dental hygienist.
* Another main cause is dry mouth. Dry mouth can be caused by allergies and can also be caused by some medications such as asthma and bronchitis inhalers.
These medications can have an impact on your saliva production and actually a reduction in the amount saliva produced. This causes your mouth to become dry and as a result there is less oxygen present which makes ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive. The build up of bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue is what causes the bad smelling breath.
* Another common cause is post-nasal drip which can be as a result of an allergy. Post-nasal drip is caused by excessive mucus being produced by the sinuses which is a common reaction to allergy. This mucus is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria growth and the bacteria will feed off this condition which will result in bad breath. This cause will usually be accompanied by a bad taste in your mouth.
* The final cause is a possible allergy to certain foods. Food intolerance can have many different symptoms and one common symptom is the production of excess gas in the stomach. This gas can often reflux back up and settle in the mouth causing bad breath.
* In some cases, your offending breath can be caused by a more serious underlying condition so if the usual bad breath remedies do not get rid of the problem then you may need to visit your doctor.
Cures for Halitosis
There are many cures and remedies for halitosis but to get the best result it is best to try and identify the cause of the bad breath. By attacking the cause will give you the best results.
Here are some cures that you can try:
* The first thing to do is make sure you have a good oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day and floss once a day. Research has shown that people that floss do have better breath than people who do not floss. Flossing will help to remove trapped food particles and prevent them from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.
* If you have dry mouth you may be able to get an artificial saliva substitute from your dentist. If you have an allergy that is causing your dry mouth then it would pay to try to identify your allergen and work on avoiding that allergen.
* Visit a dental hygienist regularly for a professional clean. You should have this done every six months to make sure of no plaque build up between teeth.
* Minimize the food supply for bacteria. The bacteria that release foul smelling gas thrive on protein rich foods. Vegetarians who eat less protein foods have much less problems with bad breath.
* Using mouthwashes too often can not always be that good for you as they contain chemicals, however you can use a mouthwash of baking soda dissolved in water daily without any risk.
This is a natural remedy and is very safe to use daily and can help to keep the tongue clean and free from bacteria. Squeezed lemon into water can also be used daily as a gargle and will prevent bad breath from reoccurring.
* Adding yoghurt to your diet on a regular basis, preferably daily, can help to cure your breath condition and prevent it reoccurring. Yoghurt contains good bacteria and has a very good overall benefit for your health.
* Foods rich in zinc can also help to keep bacteria under control and prevent bad breath.
All of these remedies are very good so if you have no luck with them there could be another cause that you will need to see your doctor to get diagnosed so that you can take the necessary steps to heal yourself and heal your bad breath.
Bad Breath Cause Cure
Why Banish Bad Breath Our world population is increasing day-by-day, and it is necessary to come into close physical interaction with others on a regular basis. Our appearance and the way we smell is very noticeable to others. Obviously we want others to feel comfortable around us and having bad breath will most certainly not make others feel comfortable around us.
I've Been Turned Off By Bad Breath Someone I and many others worked with, had a great need to banish his bad breath. The fellow was not aware of this until it was brought to his attention. His oral problem was so unpleasant, we his fellow employees, did our best to limit as much as possible, entering into his personal space.
After about two weeks of enjoying Mr. Gorilla Breath at work, one of my fellow employees decided it was time to find a solution to the smell. Mr. Gorilla Breath was quite put out when told of his bad breath, and he for sure felt personally offended when confronted about this. We his fellow employees also made the decision to let Mr. Gorilla Breath know his bad breath was not cool. He refused to admit there was any problem and felt we were tag teaming against him.
The supervisor knew what was going on and decided he needed to get the bad breath situation resolved. Basically he told the man who needed to banish his bad breath, that if he wanted to continue working with the company he had to find a way to improve his breath. The solution to this was amazingly simple. The man with bad breath was always eating strong smelling foods like onions and garlic. A simple change to the foods he ate while at work and he did indeed banish his bad breath.
Usual Reasons For Oral Odours At one time or another, most of us have had our own cases of unpleasant smells coming from our breath. Usually this is not stemming from serious causes. The causes of this could be simply not flossing between our teeth and not brushing our teeth properly and eating certain vegetables such as onions. Smoking and alcohol can also make for an unpleasant breath.
Serious Causes Persistent smelly breath can be a precursor to more serious oral and general overall health problems. The same germs and plaque that builds up in your arteries and heart, is also found in gum swelling and tooth decay.
Halitosis Halitosis is the scientific name of ongoing and persistent bad breath. Your dentist upon discovering you have Halitosis may even send you to a MD depending on the severity of it. There could be a health problem assoicated with your bad breath.
Ketones Ketones are unpleasant smelling compounds that are excreted through urine, perspiration, and through exhaled breath as well. Ketones build up in blood to levels that result in halitosis if a person has diabetes, has been starving, or has inadequate carbohydrate intake. These are very good reasons to find a solution for this if it is ongoing.
Banish Bad Breath By Lifestyle Changes By making simple changes to your lifestyle, you can probably find solutions to any bad breath problem you may have. Certainly the very first thing one can implement to have a fresher smelling breath is to take care of your teeth and gums. You will know if you have been looking after your mouth and it's parts. If you haven't been, I would highly suggest you get a cleaning and oral examination. So after every meal if possible, brush your teeth, gums, and even your tongue. Floss between your teeth to remove any food particles that may cause decay. By doing this you get rid of bacteria that can become very smelly. Also your dental bills will be much lower. I hope I have given you some educational information that you can apply to banish your bad breath once and for all.
Both Kelvin Ho & Joaquin Summers are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Kelvin Ho has sinced written about articles on various topics from Wedding Bells, Skin Care and Face Cream. Do you get bad breath from wine drinking? Find out. Kelvin Ho's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Kelvin Ho to your Favourites.
Joaquin Summers has sinced written about articles on various topics from Bad Breath. Joaquin Summers is the creator and editor for Solutions For Bad Breath. He has an avid interest in health related topics. You can discover more about. Joaquin Summers's top article generates over 480 views. Bookmark Joaquin Summers to your Favourites.