Halitosis, to give bad breath its medical name, which affects many human beings, with research suggesting that 98 per cent of us suffer from it at some time in our lives. But the good news is that yet much one hate the thought of having bad breath, it is a temporary condition and one can banish it for good.
Even though an initial attack may be down to something one has eaten, the actual long-term cause tends to be poor dental hygiene. The very first thing to establish is whether the problem is temporary or not.
Major culprits of the temporary bad breath are onions, garlic, spicy foods, alcohol and cigarettes. Infrequently the problem can also be caused by throat or sinus infections, catarrh or even just a bad cold.
Factors that influence
In fact, any condition that makes you breathe through your mouth, rather than your nose, even if it's only for a short period, may cause bad breath because there's more chance that the salivary secretions, which act as a rinsing agent, dry up.
This is exactly what happens at night because we do not eat for around eight hours, the saliva slows down and leaves us with a dry mouth. The result is the dreaded morning breath. Other factors that can influence just how sweet our breath smells are our hormones is the increase in estrogen during menstruation affects mouth odor as well as hay fever and snoring.
The reason is that if we don't manage to clean our teeth probably, plaque is a thin bacterial film builds up around the teeth and gums and if not removed regularly, it can cause decay that, in turn, causes bad breath.
In the morning when you brush your teeth, also gently brush your tongue. This will scrape away any bacteria and will have the effect of freshening your breath as well as both the taste and smell of your mouth.
Tongue scrapers are obtainable at most chemists but, alternatively, you can use a toothbrush, dipped in mouthwash for cleaning your tongue. Although statistics reveal that around 85 per cent of cases of halitosis are related to the mouth, if you've suffered with bad breath for any length of time it's important to check out the cause, rather than simply masking it with mouthwashes and mints.
Although rare, bad breath can be a sign of problems with the sinus, stomach, kidneys, liver or lungs. Which is why your first stop should be your dentist - if only for reassurance or simply to make sure that you treat the root of the problem, rather than just the cause.
Bad Breath For Dogs
If your breath has become a real problem, a dental hygiene product that deals with the root of the dilemma is the only way to get a solution. Breath mints and mouth washes have limited benefit. The dentist isn't the only place where you can find bad breath solutions, though. There are plenty of great products online that can help a great deal. Just remember ? a dental hygeine product needs to deal with the germs that cause bad breath, and not just the scent.
Toothpaste for bad breath is a great place to start if you have this sort of problem, and statistics show that approximately 30 percent of people suffer from bad breath, so you're not alone. Another dental hygiene product that can help with bad breath is an electronic tooth brush with a water jet system, which will help to get your mouth as clean as possible. Other bad breath solutions include mouthwashes, sprays and tongue scrapers that clean off all the bacteria lurking in your mouth.
A dental hygiene product really has to get to the root of the problem if it is going to work, and each of these causes of bad breath should be treated with different products. There are bad breath solutions for anaerobic bacteria that live in the back of your tongue and mouth, post-nasal drip, and Tonsilloliths (Tonsil Stones). A special toothpaste for bad breath can help with anaerobic bacteria, while the traditional toothpastes and mouth washes found in the store won't really do much.
A traditional dental hygiene product can only help you out with plaque dissolving and prevention, and it can get rid of your bad breath for a very limited time. There are more specialized products, however, that can target the problem right at the source. With a little research you can get the perfect solution for your bad breath problem.
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