Suicide has become a major concern amongst the older adults of society with the over 65s becoming one of the highest risk groups for suicidal behaviours. In fact, white males over 65 have the highest risk group of all for suicide. In fact, previous studies have shown that, although adults over 65 made up only 13 percent of the population, they made up 18 percent of all deaths by suicide.
This trend may be due to a number of factors such as depression, chronic pain, physical or mental illness, death of spouse, retirement and lack of social networks. Older men living alone and no longer engaged in productive activity such as employment, face a greater risk of suicide than married men or women. Often, it is a combination of all the aging factors that lead them to this end.
When you think about it, elderly couples have often been together for several decades, raising children and living happy lives as a couple. They see themselves as a half of a whole and the death of the other half is devastating. It is not at all uncommon for the spouse left behind to feel that he or she is just not able to live without the other. They may also see death as being reunited with the spouse who has already passed on.
Retirement can also be traumatic, particularly if the person has been in the job for many years. This sudden loss of productiveness and the associated social interaction may leave the person feeling isolated and worthless to society. Sadly, elderly people make sure that the act of suicide will be successful as they are more determined to die. Where younger people are often making a call for help, the elderly have decided that they no longer want to live and are therefore four times more likely to be successful.
There is also a large number of deaths caused by homicide-suicide. In the majority of cases, the person kills his spouse before killing himself. People over 55 years of age account for the majority of these deaths with about one and a half thousand people dying this way each year.
It is important to be aware of the warning signs of suicide in the elderly and to be careful in the techniques of approaching this behaviour. Some signs to watch for may be irritability, changes in appetite, change in sleep patterns, chronic pain or headaches. Of course, these may not be a sign of the person considering suicide and are only an indication. Medical interventions may be all that is needed. The person's physician can assess them for depression to avoid possible suicidal behaviour.
Depression is a biological mental disorder where people feel sad, hopeless, or lost. They may lose the ability to concentrate and often show significant changes in sleep or eating patterns. Often a person suffering from depression thinks about ending their life and suicide may occur when the person has major depression.
Not everyone gives out warning signals before a suicide attempt. However, most show some form of indication to friends or family members.
If you believe that someone is at risk of committing suicide, don't take it lightly. Offer the person support and take action to avoid the act. Putting the person in contact with crisis intervention agencies, psychiatric services, or support groups is a great way to start. Become involved by showing that you care, listening to their troubles, and generally giving them hope and encouragement.
If you are a family member or friend, organise other members of the family or other friends to visit regularly. Talk about the happy times, helping the person to recall joyous memories. These acts can help to ward off depression. Being a support system may make all of the difference to the person's feelings of being wanted and loved and may help to prevent suicide. Feelings can be changed and suicide can be prevented.
Bathtubs For The Elderly
Many tourist attractions offer special pricing and benefits for those families wanting to spend the holidays away from home, they offer a comforting alternative with a lot less clean up. Thanksgiving can be a treat in the rocky mountains of Colorado or the quaint hills of Tennessee.
Many restaurants offer catering for your dinner. This way, the cooks can spend that time relaxing by the fireplace or spending that well-deserved time off with family instead of slaving at the stove. Alternatively, if you're a person that enjoys cooking for the Thanksgiving, then there are comfortable cabins or hotels with kitchenettes available so that the cook can still prepare that delicious Thanksgiving Turkey or ham.
If you have small children what better way to spend Christmas than at a resort like Disney World or at a ski resort. Your children can enjoy having Mickey Mouse tuck them in at night.
If Disney isn't your thing, don't despair, many other places offer neat things such as Elf Tuck in service for your children at night and pictures with Santa Clause during the daytime. The holiday rates are usually lower during this season so you can better afford to travel during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.
You might want to consider contacting your travel agent to check for special pricing for the season. They could help you plan your entire trip from the moment you leave the airport to the moment you return home. If you're a do-it-yourself type of person, then the Internet is a great place to begin your search for a holiday travel destination.
Although the holidays are usually associated with the colder weather, getting the Christmas chills isn't for everyone. If you and your loved ones aren't much on the cold weather during Christmas Holidays, you might want to travel to the islands of Hawaii or to Florida so you can enjoy the warmer climate and take-in some Christmas traditions from other parts of the country.
Light up the Yule Log on the beach this year. Have fun decorating a palm tree for Christmas. If you're reading to really spread your wings for the holidays, talk to your travel agent about traveling abroad! There are all sorts of different ways to celebrate a traditional holiday away from your home. You might even find some new traditions to bring back with you and make them a part of your own.
Both Annabelle Rox & Jaci Rae are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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