Whether you want to create a website for fun or for profit, you will need to find a reliable web host to support your site. While you shouldn't spend a fortune each month in hosting fees, you should expect to get what you pay for. But cost shouldn't be the only variable when it comes to choosing a host.
Understanding what you need from a web host and visiting different host websites to see what they have to offer will give you some good information on which to build your choice. Below are four guidelines that can make this choice a little easier.
Check Out Different Web Hosting Packages: as your needs will be different from a big corporations needs or a medium sized business' needs, a lot of web hosts offer packages for small, medium and large businesses. When comparing packages, you will notice that the main differences are cost, total of data transfer and disk space available, number of email addresses offered, and total of bandwidth you will get each month. If you're planning to upload lots of pictures, video or other media that takes up more space than text, you ought to find out how much space you'll need before choosing a web host.
Quality Control Panel: A first-class web host makes it as easy as possible for customers to upload files, manage email accounts, review site statistics and manage FTP accounts. Gain knowledge of as much as you can about the control panel before choosing a web host. Learn which site statistics will be available so you can adequately monitor all marketing campaigns and incoming traffic. Lastly, make sure you can contact customer service at any time if you're experiencing problems.
Moving Your Domain Name: If you're moving from one web host to another, keep in mind that you may have to pay to move your domain name. While some hosts offer to do this for you for free, others do not and will charge you for registration.
When reviewing monthly fees and billing options, find out exactly what's included in these fees. If you don't have a domain name, you will have to register one in order to claim a web address so no one else can use it. Some web hosts include the domain registration fee in their monthly fees, while others charge service fees. Because your domain name needs to be renewed each year, find out who will be paying the renewal fee as well.
Customer Service: If you can't get in contact with your web host if you're site goes down, there is very little you can do except wait until the site is up and running again. Choosing a web host that provides excellent customer service 24/7 via phone, live chat, email and tutorials found on their website can make downtime seem less frustrating.
Since you're paying for their services, you should expect their customer service department to be efficient and easily accessible. Now that you know more about what to look for in a web host, you should be able to make an informed decision that will enable you to choose the very best hosting services for your website.
Best Cheap Web Host
A web hosting provider will typically have a fast connection to the Internet housed in a physical building called 'data center' and they may host thousands of web sites on many servers. The web host essentially rents out space to you so that you can get your website up on the world wide web.
With a well-managed web host, you can free yourself from worrying the up-keep of complicated server technology and proper technical maintenance. That's the whole purpose of the web hosting companies. You should leave the technical work to web hosting professional while you focus on your own internet business.
There are thousands of web hosting providers on the internet and how do you decide which one you should use? Sites like webhostingspotter.com can help you by comparing all best hosting providers.
The features that web hosting companies are offering are getting quite standard nowadays. There are basic features that you'll need in a web host. You can find out more here.
To give a web host a competitive edge over others, more attractive features are very necessary. You'll find that many hosts are willing to give away free stuff that used to cost over $10 per month.
These are some of the advanced features that our top hosts are offering.
* Web Buider Many of our top 10 hosts offer powerful web builder program called SiteStudio. SiteStudio allows you to make sites without any html, FTP and HTTP knowledge. You can also build site on the fly while at home, school or even at work. Hostgator's SiteStudio has over 500 ready-made templates for you to choose from.
* Ecommerce Enabled If you are selling products on your site, you need a merchant account. A shopping cart is a useful tool if you have more than 1 product in different categories. SSL(Secured Sockets Layer) is a must-have if you need to receive valuable information such as your customers' credit card information. PowWeb, Hostgator and Lunarpages provide osCommerce shopping cart and shared SSL for your ecommerce needs.
* Marketing Package Most marketing package including search engine submission software, keyword generator and link checker. Some hosting companies like iPower have established partnership with Yahoo! Search (previously known as Overture) and Google Adwords to offer you pay-per-click credit to jump start your business.
The best marketing method is by far from word of mouth. If you sign up for a web host and are satisfied with the performance, most likely you'll recommend to anyone who is looking for a good host. Big web hosting companies know about this concept so well that they would go all out to retain their existing customer. The more satisfied customers they have, the more popularity they'll get. We take this as an important indicator of how good a host is. # There are a few factors that we judge the popularity of a particular web hosting provider.Number of existing customers. # The satisfaction level of their existing customers: We manage to get hold of their existing customers from the positive reviews they submitted through our host comment form, their comment in the 3rd party web hosting and inhouse forums and the customers' comment found on other hosting directories. # The amount of pretigious hosting awards they won # Their sites Alexa traffic ranking
Netfirms top the popularity among our top 10 hosts. Network Reliability, Speed and Uptime Guarantee
In terms of reliability, we are looking at how redundant is the server, how often the companies backup the server and how well they handle emergency. "Redundant" means that if any of the Internet connections get interrupted, the alternate Internet connection will take over. PowWeb Load Balancing Technology is one of the best that we found to ensure your site is up 99.9% all the time.
Both Sadiqur Rahman & Mark Waters are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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