Online marketers know that pay per click advertising is the surest way to instant traffic and quick profits but it is no secret that many marketers lose their shirts due to lack of experience and poorly managed PPC campaigns. One of the biggest mistakes made by inexperienced marketers is targeting only broad, highly competitive keywords. You can avoid this situation if you know what you are doing.
For example, someone promoting a home business opportunity might do some keyword research and find that 389,725 (this is an arbitrary figure for illustration purposes only) people are searching on the phrase ?home business? each month. So what do they do? They bid only for the phrase ?home business? which is one of the most expensive and competitive keywords on the market. They end up spending big bucks and getting minimal results because profit margins simply are not there to support such a high cost per click. Sure the traffic is there but it is expensive. Is this the way you want to spend your traffic dollars?
Little do these newbies know it but the pay per click pros making the big money are not even bidding on the term ?home business.? They are targeting a virtually untapped mark, paying lower costs per click and achieving much higher click through rates and that means they are making money. There is a goldmine of untapped traffic that is searching on more specific keyword phrases. These are called ?long tail keyword? in the Internet marketing industry. These are keywords your competitors are likely overlooking making them cost much less per click. If you know what these are and how to use them you can join the ranks of your competitors.
While these long tail keywords may generate less traffic the sum total of these smaller markets will often end up bring more volume than the shorter more sought after keywords.
For example, detailed keyword research summary might indicate the following traffic numbers. Please keep in mind these figures are for illustration only and do not reflect any real keyword research.
Keyword Phrase Traffic Volume
Home business 389,725
Home based business42,324
Legitimate home business 13,240
Home based business scams10,386
Easy money making home business 4,312
Home business ideas that work 3,579
You get the idea. The longer the phrases get the more targeted the traffic to that particular keyword phrase and the less likely competition pushing up pay per click rates.
So how do you find these long tail keywords and plug into this untapped market of profit rich keywords? There are plenty of keyword research tools available on the market that can help you get started building your keyword lists. Keep careful of free keyword research tools that everyone is using and often generate old outdated data. Look for a tool that digs deep to find update to date results and innovative keyword lists. You may just stumble upon keywords that can be targeted for 5 cents per click.
If you are serious about mastering you PPC campaign then learn how your keywords can dominate your competition. Visit and learn How Digging Deep with Your Keyword research can pay big dividends.
Keith Synan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Aquarium Fish, Search Engine Marketing and Internet Marketing. Keith Synan is an expert internet marketer who offers loads of freeresources and information designed to help you succeed with your online business. Discover how you can maximize your online profits by visiting. Keith Synan's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Keith Synan to your Favourites.
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