It is hard to believe that the colour of someone's hair can actually have an effect on their personality. I personally got into a few great debates before looking a bit deeper into this. Do blond's really have more fun? I asked, and and came to a whole bunch of really irrelevant information.
But then I got it.
Back in the 50's, someone came up with bleach that women could use to change their hair colour. They called it something disgusting and no one would buy into the idea. It didn't seem safe. Women didn't want to put a whole bunch of chemicals into their hair for one reason or other.
But the companies behind this had a lot of marketing muscle. They hired a consultant who actually came up with the saying “Blonds have more fun” as a marketing catch phrase. They also changed the packaging of the product, bumped up the price and made bleaching your hair the next big thing in the fashion industry.
Funny how things work!
But do blonds really have more fun? I did some research and came to my own conclusions about this. I took a look at the first blond: Paris Hilton.
Even though Paris is a very unique woman, she does have a lot of fun. She seems to always be getting into trouble, but not caring much about it. She knows that even jail could be fun!
Thank I took a look at another Hollywood superstar: Britney Spears.
Britney is on her comeback tour! And she is definitely having fun. But is it relevant to her actual hair colour? I had to ask myself what would happen if Britney was a redhead or a brunette. Would she be just as popular? More popular? Or invisible?
In my long quest for these answers I came across a few blond jokes. One stuck with me: “What do you call a brunette walking in between two blonds? – Invisible”
Great even more proof that blonds do have more fun! Errrr.... How could this be the case?
I had to relate it to old school music as well as Britney and Paris just weren't enough. I thought of Nirvana! Then there was Leonardo Di Caprio in Titanic – Blonde!
So I was absolutely convinced that blonds are definitely out there. They may not be the smartest people on this planet, but they sure know how to have fun. The more fun life is, the better life is. But at the end I was convinced. I wanted to bleach my head too and join the fun.
I ended up stopping by the store and looking at all the bleach products on the shelf. I asked myself again: How could this be? How can one man more than 50 years ago change the perception of someone's personally by changing their hair colour and saying that “Blonds have more fun!”
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