Believe it or not, it is really easy making a bird house craft. The following are basic instructions to make a bird house craft nest using easily available materials such as a simple strawberry basket.
The needed materials are the following, some basic strawberry baskets, a yarn or some materials intended for scrap, some pieces of shredded paper.
How to do a bird house craft nest
Basically, get the fabric scraps or the yarn and carefully weave the yarn slowly through the strawberry basket holes.
The only limit is your own imagination. As much as possible, be as free as you wish to be. It is also okay to experiment.
Once the strawberry basket weaving has been completed, try to fill the strawberry basket with some pieces of shredded paper. Also, be as free to choose other scrap materials.
How to do a bird house craft nest that is edible
And you thought you could not be as creative as you could be, here comes an instruction on how to build a bird house craft nest that could just as be edible as it is fun to look at and make. It is very tasty too.
The fact of the matter is that kids could easily do this bird house craft nest. It is a very fun project during the season of spring.
Feel free to invite friends and extra family members to make the project as memorable and fun as it could possibly be.
Needed materials for bird house craft nests
The materials you would need are chow noodles mien, some chocolate chip or a chocolate brick, some jelly beans, chocolate egg coated candies, peanut butter, small marshmallow chicks, wax paper, paper colored plates.
Now what?
What you need to do is place the wax square papers onto the paper colored plates individually.
The chow mien noodles need to be placed in a bowl that is large. If you are to use chocolate bricks, break these bricks into smaller pieces.
Then, melt the chocolate piece chips in a microwave. You could also heat these chips over the stove using low heat.
Slowly but surely melt the pour the melted chocolate chips over the noodles chow mien. Then, mix them all together and coat.
Get kids to participate and enjoy themselves too
It is now time to place the chocolate mounds as well as the noodles chow mien mixture onto the paper colored plates (which are still over the wax paper).
It is more fun if you let kids form the chocolate mixtures themselves and transform them into bird house craft nests.
Take note though that the chocolate may still be hot. As much as possible, wait until the chocolate has been cooled enough, however do not wait far too long as the chocolate ay harden.
How about the peanut butter?
Believe it or not, you could also use peanut butter as a good adhesive. Use it to b eable to glue the jelly beans down as well as the chocolate coated candy eggs which are inside the cavity nests.
Meanwhile, the marshmallow chicks could also be glues onto the nest's edge or inside the bird house craft nest.
All in all, making bird house crafts could be tiring yet the benefits are tremendous. It could also serve as unique bonding moments for family and friends while at the same time making creative projects that you could sell or give out to people, bird lovers they may be or not.
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Clubbers Guide Spring 2008 Aphrodite just met her competition ladies. Be confident, be beautiful, be you. Whatever you decide to wear this season, just remember to own it.