When you think of the world's most successful businesses, what names come to mind? Most likely, consumer-oriented giants such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Sheraton, Disney, IBM, and General Electric. Not only have they spent billions on advertising to buy their way into your head. They offer convenient products and services that have made them a part of your life.
But when you think of the most successful web sites, what names come to mind? Names like Google, Yahoo! Amazon, AOL, Kazaa (for better or worse), and Hotmail.
The late-1990s mantra about the web being a disruptive technology that would destroy traditional companies may have been overstated. But a decade and a half into the web's existence, it is clear that the world's leading corporations have been sidelined on the web.
The biggest shopping site is not walmart.com but amazon.com. The biggest map site is not randmcnally.com but mapquest.com.
Established companies have usually only been able to buy their way into this market through acquisitions (as with Microsoft's purchase of Hotmail, which it used as a base for creating MSN).
Why, with few exceptions, were the world's most successful web sites not launched by the world's most successful corporations?
Many Big Name Companies' Web Sites a Vast Waste of Time for Visitors
The McDonald's web site talks about food, but has no real menu. The Coca-Cola USA web site has no clear ingredients list or nutritional information, no recipes for floats or mixed drinks, no company history, and nothing else useful to people who like Coke. All that information has been inexplicably located on the "company" page, which on every other web site is used for investor relations. The Johnson and Johnson web site has useful information if you can access it—when the author attempted to open it, it crashed two different web browsers (Internet Explorer and Mozilla) before finally yielding (to the Opera browser).
Many big-name companies' web sites offer lessons in what not to do in web design. The biggest lesson by far is not to sacrifice usability in an attempt to look cool, and never forget why your users came to your site in the first place. McDonald's may be the world's largest restaurant chain, but it didn't get that way because of its web site.
Why Big-Budget Websites Are More Often Bombs than Blockbusters
The web sites of many successful corporations (both B2C and B2B) are like big-budget Hollywood movies that spend millions on stars and special effects, and a quarter of a percent of the budget on the script. Worse, the special effects of blockbuster web sites are far more annoying than impressive.
Special Effect that Bombs Number 1: Flash!
When web sites don't offer any content—any useful information to read—what do they put up there instead? Spinning Coke bottles. Chicken McNuggets and French fries that zoom out toward you when you position your cursor over them. Changing pictures of generic-looking office buildings and men in suits (on the web site of real estate giant CB Richard Ellis—but that essentially describes the generic look of many corporate web sites).
Of course, Flash can be used as a way to present content—words, both printed and recorded, and pictures that actually illustrate something. But more often, it is used to impress. And most often, it ends up annoying. Who wants to spend the better part of a minute waiting for a rotation of generic pictures of smiling models?
Special Effect that Bombs Number 2: Splash Screens
You type in duracell.com expecting information on batteries—which you will find, if you have the patience not to hit the “back” button while the site shows a picture of a battery revolving painfully slowly.
On http://www.mcdonalds.com you're met with pictures of happy children playing with Ronald McDonald and a menu to select what country you're from.
Johnson's and Johnson's web site shows a logo before automatically redirecting you to the main page—that is if it doesn't crash your browser first (which happened when the author tried to access the page on May 2, 2004 ).
Another way big consumer corporations' web sites from Schick to Mercedes-Benz to Thomas Cooke waste your time with splash pages is by making you choose what country you're visiting from. This could have been detected automatically, or at least, useful worldwide content could have been placed on the homepage, with an option to choose a country prominently displayed.
Splash pages are the internet equivalent of making patrons wait in line out front before letting them inside. Unless a site belongs to a night club or a professional services firm with too much business, keeping people outside can't be a good idea.
Special Effect that Bombs Number 3: Overbuilt or Badly Built “Dynamic” Functionality
Every web surfer has a story about a shopping cart that malfunctioned just when they were about to click “purchase” on something they really wanted. Or a detailed form that lost all the information after the “submit” button was pressed.
Sometimes, malfunctioning dynamic content can distort the way an entire site presents itself. If the dynamic content is so complex that it presents problems for many users, it is unlikely the dynamic content is worth it. When I visited disney.com in May 2004, my first greeting was a message that your computer is sufficiently up-to-date (or not) to handle the site.
In short, you may want your small or medium-sized business to get as big as Coca Cola or Disney, but you'll never get there if your website looks like theirs do.
Business Web Design Services
Well, not quite. But deciding what kind of content management system is right for your business can go a long way toward the success or failure of your business. The decision comes down to the answers to these questions: Is the flow of work in your business as productive as it could be? Can your current CM solution expand its capabilities to keep pace with your business as it grows? Consider the following to determine if your current CMS is working for you, or if a change might be in order.
Is your current content management system outdated? There is no question that outdated content management methods can often be more of a hindrance than an asset to productivity. Further, content management systems that cannot match the rate of expansion of the business quickly lead to outdated content, confusion amongst the team members and a lag in the workflow.
Is your system difficult to use? Symptoms of a user-unfriendly system landscape include inconsistent categorization, organization and publishing of content. All of these things can easily frustrate a user and slow down the workflow. That's counterproductive, and if this is happening to your team, a new or revised CMS may be the answer.
Does your team struggle to produce simple, fast revisions to your content? By their very nature, updates like product information and press releases need to be accurate, timely and valuable. If your team isn't able to keep pace with such updates to your content, investing in a new CMS may be a good idea. Publishing information will be sped up with the availability of tools that will allow subject matter experts to create, edit and publish their content on their own. Your business won't be at the mercy of staff trained in HTML to update the content. With an effective CMS web design software package in place, anyone on staff will be able to create and edit their own content, making it easier to keep the content up-to-date and accurate.
Few things are more fracturing to a team effort than getting road blocked by missing information. It is difficult when you think you have found just what you are looking for only to end up in No Man's Land. Ineffective CMS web design can cause gaps in and overlaps of information that can really slow down work. A CMS is meant to help with organization, not hinder. A CMS web design solution can ensure that your content is always accurate, thereby keeping the flow of work productive amongst the members of your team.
Successful CMS web design makes it easy for everyone on staff to manage content, regardless of whether they are computer savvy or not. An effective CMS solution can put even your non tech-savvy staff in the driver's seat because they can create, modify and design content without needing any specialized technical knowledge. The interface should be intuitive. A good CMS helps each cog in the machine to work at optimal productivity. And that leads to increased productivity all around.
A well-designed CMS solution consolidates control of content from an organization-wide "home base," thereby reducing the amount of information overlap, and can identify and assemble content automatically. That means that multiple people can be adding, deleting and editing content all at the same time. A good CMS web design solution will help your team be more collaborative and more productive all at once. That means less time wasted, which translates into more money in your company's coffers.
If your business is suffering from any of these ailments, you need to re-evaluate your current strategy. Improvements in your CMS can drastically affect the way in which your staff reaches it goals. Through effective CMS web design, your staff can both work collaboratively and individually to get the job done.
In summary, the goals of CMS web design are to consolidate control of your content and make it easy for your staff, regardless of their level of technical computer knowledge, to create and publish their own content. If your information is outdated, difficult to navigate or subject to the isolated control of various sources, your CMS isn't working as well as it could be. It's time to make a change.
Both Joel Walsh & Chris Coleman are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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