Many people around the world are currently stuck in jobs that can only be described in one way: dead end. These jobs do not train a person with useful skills, offer little to not opportunity for advancement, and probably don't pay all that well either. A lot of people find themselves having to pick up extra dead end jobs to make end meets. The problem is that once this cycle gets started, it's pretty much impossible to change it. That is, until you give the SCI training program a try.
So what is SCI, exactly? It's a very simple certification program that can be finished in just 6 hours, all from the comfort of your own home. Once you have completed the training, SCI guarantees that you will find a job working for some of the biggest corporations in the world, and making about $1,000 weekly, if not more. No other certification program can make this type of promise. Even compare this to getting a degree from an accredited university – the SCI program takes just a miniscule fraction of the time and money it takes to enroll in college courses.
Now, you're probably thinking to yourself that this is simply too amazing to be real. Let's face it, there are plenty of websites out there that feature great offers like this one, and most of them are scams. You can rest easy when enrolling in the SCI program, because the National Consumer Advocacy Group has given them a seal of approval, labeling them one of the best work at home opportunities found on the Internet.
So just how is it possible to spend only 10 to 15 hours working from each week while pulling in an annual income of anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000? It's all about the power of the Internet. In today's world, the term “advertising” means something very different than what it meant only a decade or so ago. The Internet is the new giant in the advertising world, and it's created opportunities for people with the right skills to break into Internet advertising. What are the right skills? Well, they're the ones you'll be learning from the SCI course.
When you complete the 6-hour video training program that SCI offers, you will have all the skills you need to become a Website Advertising Specialist. It will be easy to find a job working for the big companies who want to build their web presence – and who are willing to pay big bucks to get it done.
So, the other obvious question is this: what's the catch? It's not the price – the SCI training program only costs $250 if you order soon. The only real “catch” is that there are limited spots available to get into this great program. Due to the tremendous demand to get involved with the SCI program, resources are limited. If you want to take advantage of this great offer and start making great money while working from home, you must act soon.
Canadian Work From Home
We are always attracting things into our lives and we also knowingly or not repel people and things.
Want to alienate someone, try not bathing or brushing your teeth for a month or two.
They won't come anywhere near you.
What could you do to attract what you want into your life, learn a new language, lose weight?
Face it certain things we do like good grooming attract others and poor habits like chewing with your mouth open tend to alienate others.
Success in network marketing or a home business, our habits attract it or we inadvertently push it out of our reach. The majority of people leave the door wide open and invite failure in.
In order to succeed in a work from home network marketing business here's items to avoid.
We must first understand how our subconscious mind functions, it can't tell the difference from reality and non-reality. In this regard it's like a computer in that it only gives us out what we program in.
Always remember this, our subconscious mind only processes and feeds us back our thoughts, in this way it's like a computer, negative in, negative thoughts out, positive in, positive thoughts out. It only processes the information that we feed it.
So how do we train our mind to only attract what we want?
First we must realize that the world is made up of energy, our thoughts are energy, everything ever created started with a thought.
So we ultimately create our success through the energy of our thoughts.
Start out each day by looking for reasons to feel grateful for everything we have and speak them out loud. In this fashion you're programming your mind and brain to be positive for the day. In order to remain in this state throughout the day carry something in your pocket that will remind you to be grateful.
Okay now before you ask you must specify exactly what your desire is. I'm sure you are aware of the expression from the Bible, Ask and you shall receive!
Here is what most people have totally wrong about asking for what they want.
Because most people misunderstand asking, I will digress in the next couple paragraphs about success and wealth creation so you have the correct mental picture.
Most people don't understand economics, they think the more they get the less for other people. In reality think of this example. If you sewed everything by hand you could never create as many clothes as a machine could produce. As a result a machine would free up people to create other things. So by a person striving to create wealth by producing more they are creating more for all mankind. Thus asking and striving to accomplish more is not selfish but a noble task.
Many people without actually thinking about it just think of most wealthy people as being selfish. Before we ask for something we are either selfish or unselfish in our heart. Actually we can never only create wealth and riches for only ourselves. This process also creates more wealth for many others.
If we're unselfish we help the poor more by having than by not. We can't give what we don't have.
Many people and leaders in the world would have you believe they are being noble and unselfish. They'll make statements like the rich should pay more in taxes to provide more benefits for poor people. Although they never propose actually taxing wealth, but an increase in income taxes on the rich. Because income is actually a measure of production, what they are really proposing is this. If you produce a lot and thus help many others you will have to pay more, this discourages productivity. On the other hand someone who produces little is taxed less, almost encouraged to be lazy and produce less. I'm not proposing it but it actually makes more sense to tax accumulated wealth than a tax on the production of wealth (income tax). But you'll never see a tax on wealth already obtained proposed, as many of the people running things are already wealthy.
I believe I know why those who have this attitude think the way they do. It's typically because the world throughout history has been made up of people and governments whose desire was to control others.
Consider this question, how does government get it's money, does it create it or does it gain it through taxing people? Most people in government have never created wealth through a business so in their way of thinking if someone becomes wealthy someone else became poorer. (A zero sum model) The whole point here is simply to understand wealth and success creation. I felt necessary to include this as to understand success requires a little understanding about how to best help others with wealth.
Now let's get back to attracting success and asking and its role.
Asking is more than simply thinking, it consists of properly defining and being very precise in what we want (be it a new home, special vacation, working from home. Our standard response is to just say we want a bunch of money or a new car without being specific. Like we established earlier our subconscious mind can't think or reason. It doesn't understand a bunch of money and thus doesn't know what to do to help us get it. What it does understand is something like $123,456 in our savings account, or a specific 3-story brick house on a lake with a boat dock.
Okay so we've established that the proper method to go about asking for what we desire is to be very definitive. In fact if I were to coach you I would have you practicing visualizing exactly what you desire down to the very last detail. If it's a new house, what's the color of brick, how many fireplaces, how many bathrooms, what's your dream kitchen, what does it look like? The more details you furnish the more likely you will get what you desire.
This next principal is very important. When we ask we always get an answer. The answer we get may or not be what we thought we would get. In order words the timing may be off. This is not to say we aren't going to get that new house or car, but its coming is delayed until we are better prepared.
There is basically an unspoken law that states that we must be first prepared to receive what we ask for before we obtain it. It would serve us no good to ask for being a rock star if we've never picked up a guitar. We must prepare first. If for example we desired to be a rock star a whole bunch of guitar practice is first required. It is this training that readies us to obtain what we sought. Just dreaming about being a star won't make it happen. However, don't sabotage yourself by thinking or saying, I'll never be able to do that. This kind of talk is telling our subconscious mind to quit helping us obtain the object of our desire. We might as well simply give up if we're going to talk or think like this.
Poor people in a rich society are that way for just two reasons, they are either lazy or they lack understanding. First don't get me wrong, this is not an exercise in trashing the poor. Most people are poor at sometime in their life, just ask a young student how much money they have? Many people who were once poor like myself develop an understanding of what is required for success and rise out of the ranks of the poor. There's always time for someone to turn their life around.
Those of us who are fortunate enough to know the principals of success, are obligated to use our knowledge to accomplish much, for which, we will be greatly rewarded. Abraham Lincoln said, "A poor person never became richer because a rich person became poorer."? The Bible guides us to never forget the poor, however if we are poor ourselves how much can we help others when we're just trying to help ourselves. Unfortunately there's not much we can do for someone who would be lazy, but we can educate and bring knowledge to those who thirst to learn.
The ultimate key to getting success to come your way is, to control our thinking. Usually, when you are unaware of it, your thinking goes toward negativity. Have you never caught yourself thinking, "Why can't I lose weight?"? Would not it be better to say, "I am not committing myself to losing weight but if I were committed to weight loss I would look great and be fit."? Don't say, "That is not affordable."? Positive thinking programs us to think, I would like to have that, and I must arrange my finances so it is affordable to me. Or, "I would like to have that, but I think I will look around a bit further until something better makes an appearance." Instead of thinking, "I would like that," think; "I think I will buy that."?
This is very important. Always avoid using words like need, or want, or needing, or wanting something. Doing so sends the wrong message to our subconscious mind. We need to learn to think in terms of when I get my new car it will be so cool, or when I have that new home I'm going to invite people over to a party.
When we learn to program our thoughts toward confidence and belief we're learning to attract success. This is why it's important to have a basis of wisdom and principals of love for others to govern our thoughts like the 10 Commandments. There have been many evil men who where guided by their own made up principals who were extremely confident in their own beliefs, however because they were not guided by a love for others they attracted much temporary success in ruling countries, however they also brought much misery on the world (men like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many more).
Thus I believe it is very important that what we do, we do with an attitude of love toward our fellow man.
Consider this, think of all the men and women you know who seem very confident in themselves, are they successful or unsuccessful?
So, control your mind and thoughts and success will be yours - carpe diem.
Both Jason Bryant & are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Jason Bryant has sinced written about articles on various topics from Search Engine Marketing, Work From Home and Franchise. Jason Bryant has a very lucrative career in online business ventures, one of which includes his success promoting SCI, a work-from-home Fortune 500 job opportunity.. Jason Bryant's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Jason Bryant to your Favourites.
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