So you have a web site, and you are looking to have it designed! You most likely have a plan for your web site, and more importantly a budget. You are probably looking for a cheap web site design service to keep from damaging the pocket book.
Now, lets review your options. You can call a local guy in the phone book and probably get a nice web site, but you just might pay top dollar! We don't want that, so lets look at some great resources that will give you a cheap web site, however it will also give you a quality design from a great company.
There are several web sites out there that allow companies to bid on your project, so people actually compete for your chepa web design business! Two of my favorites are elance and scriptlance. Scriptlance is free to start, elance requires a deposit. I have bought services from both in the past.
Here is how these web sites work. You will go to either of these web sites and you will post your project. You can specify the amount you want to spend, time frame, etc. Then what happens is companies will literally swarm to help you out with your website design. Oh, did I mention payments are handled through Escrow services to protect you as a buyer? Also you are able to read reviews left for web site designers, see how many transactions they have handled and more! You can even view their work.
The above mentioned route is one of my favorite methods to finding a company to design your site. Another method is just through good old research! Go out and search locally, call around and put in requests. This option works, however it often times takes a lot longer.
You will often times get a lot of requests on scriptlance and elance from companies in India, Russia, Etc - however these countries do have very talented people - just make sure they are reputable and that there is not a communication barrier! Many people get stuck with major delays due to communication issues. You can usually tell whether this will be a problem by looking at the companies profile and reviews.
Hopefully I have helped to give you some great tips to find cheap web site design services, feel free to ask with any questions you may have.
Cheap Web Site Design
This article will show you how to find cheap web design, web development and other services at great pricing. Obtaining cheap web design, web development and web designers can be a tough task. All too often web design can be very expensive, and if you don't make a good choice you can be sitting on an expensive web design that didn't turn out how you wanted it. Therefore, comparison shopping for cheap web development services is a must.
I have been in the design industry for over 10 years and learned a lot about comparison shopping techniques for customers that want to find a cheap web design. Some of the tactics I would recommend are below!
There are several web sites out there that assist you in finding cheap web designers for your site. These sites help connect you with freelance design companies that compete for your business. The process works like this; you post your project online and several companies and individuals bid on your project. You will very quickly receive several bids; then you can review the companies and their offering prices for your cheap web development project. Now you can view the companies past reviews from previous transactions and you can view their work. After doing this you will then pick a winning bidder. Most all freelance sites will offer you the option to deposit the money in to an escrow account. Then once you are satisfied you transfer the total remaining amount of money in to the cheap web design companies account. This is one of the best options for finding a cheap web design for your website.
Another option is simply searching the web to find a company to help you with your needs. What I recommend is you ask what the price for the web site is, their turnaround time and ask to use an escrow service to handle the transaction. This will help protect your investment and assure you that the work is created to your preference.
Things to watch out for when picking a cheap web design company are as follows. You want to find a company that has a phone number and good customer support. One of the biggest complaints I hear from people is that their past designers would never help or respond. Or else they were not able to deliver what they originally promised.
Lastly, make sure that you create an outline of your entire web site just how you want it. To improve the time it takes for a company to design your cheap website you must give them all the content, images and site layout. This will help them to create a look, navigation and your entire cheap web site design quickly.
So apply some time to reasearching who would be best to work with for you. Find a reliable source as well as a great price on web design, web development, programming, internet marketing and more. Hopefully this article helped.
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