A payday loan is a type of loan whereby you can borrow money against your upcoming pay check. In the UK, anyone with a job can avail of a payday loan. A payday loan in the UK is quite convenient when emergencies arise in the middle of two paydays. Imagine this situation – you are somewhere in between the last pay check and the next one. Your car suddenly breaks down and you have extra costs that your insurance won't cover. You absolutely need your car. You don't have extra money in the bank to pay for its repair. What will you do? You can either wait for your next pay check or take out a payday loan.
As you may have surmised by now, a payday loan is a quick way to get cash as long as you have a means of paying it back in the near future. It is basically a short term loan. That also means that you would probably have to pay a higher rate of interest on it. That is why financial experts advise that you do not take out a payday loan unless you are sure that you can pay it off within a short period of time.
There are a few considerations before you can apply to a payday loan company for short term financial assistance. To be specific, in the UK, you would need to meet the following criteria. First, you must be a resident of the UK. This doesn't mean that you need to be a citizen, just that it is your place of residency. Next, you have to have a job. More than just any job, you have to be able to show that you receive a regular monthly income. The more stable your income is, the better chances of your getting a UK payday loan. More often than not, there is a stipulation as to how much you should be earning in a month. In order to avail of your loan, you would need an active checking account. This is where the loan provider will be depositing your money when the loan is released. Last, but not the least, you have to be at least 18 years of age to apply for a payday loan.
You can borrow any amount from 100-1000 GBP using a payday loan. However, you should remember that you have to pay off this amount in a short period of time. So before you commit yourself to anything, make sure that you can afford what you are borrowing and that you have read the terms and conditions thoroughly.
Cheapest Loan In Uk
You are considering finance for home improvements, debt consolidation, a holiday home, a car ? you name it the question always pops up ? which way is going to be the cheapest way to finance. Should I use a credit card, personal loan, HP, overdraft, store card, interest-free credit, catalog, secured loan, or a credit union? Different methods of borrowing suit different types of people and situations. Whatever type of borrowing you choose, make sure you will be able to afford the repayments. Prepare a budget of your monthly expenses to check what you can afford to pay. Be sure to include your mortgage payment, utilities (gas, electricity, water), all bills, food, clothing right down to hair cuts and socializing costs. Be honest with this. If you are not you are only kidding yourself and it is only you that will suffer in the end.
When choosing credit deals, it's important to make sure you are getting value for money. Also when comparing secured or unsecured personal loans compare the APR to give you a realistic view of the true cost of the finance. While you should consider all factors such as what is available and suitable to you, your circumstances (e.g. employed, self employed, age), credit rating, and flexibility; One way to compare deals and find the cheapest loan is by working out the interest and APR So what is APR?
APR stands for the Annual Percentage Rate of charge. You can use it to compare different credit and loan offers. This is because unlike the flat rate interest rate this type of interest rate takes into consideration all cost and fees and interest rate associated with that particular product. All lenders have to tell you what their APR is before you sign an agreement. It will vary from lender to lender. Generally, the lower the APR the better the deal for you, so if you are thinking about borrowing, shop around. Don't forget that sometimes bank loans are cheaper than the credit schemes offered by stores. If you find a deal with a low APR, ask the following questions:
Do the charges included in the APR vary, or is the rate fixed? If the charges are variable, your repayments could go up or go down. If the rate is fixed, your repayments will stay the same. How good are you at budgeting?
Are there any charges that are not included in the APR? This could include something like optional payment protection insurance. If so, make sure you understand what they are and when you would have to pay them. Are these added to the loan or upfront costs?
What are the conditions of the loan or credit and do they suit you? For example, do you have a choice about how and where you make the repayments? If you suddenly have spare money, can you pay the loan off early - without penalties? Some will tell you there are no penalties where as there may be admin costs associated in terminating the contract early. Also check any penalties for making additional payments to your loan.
Both Edward Grant & Fred Inance are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Fred Inance has sinced written about articles on various topics from A Secured Loan, Payday Loans and Finances. Fred Inance writes about cheap loans for the financial timings.. Fred Inance's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Fred Inance to your Favourites.
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