The unhealthy lifestyles that many people are practicing today are starting to have very negative effects on their overall health. Because of this trend, the focus has shifted to diet and exercise to improve health. But, these 2 actions are not sufficient to solve all of the health problems we are facing today. We need to also remove the toxins and waste that have collected in our bodies.
As these harmful toxins accumulate in our bodies, chronic health problems begin to form and wear us down. Our immune system is slowed down and the negative side effects become worse as the accumulation of toxins grow.
Although you may not realize it, your body is constantly exposed to chemicals and metals that build up in our lymphatic system. These toxins can be found in everything from the fertilizers used to grown our food, chemicals used to treat our water, pollution from our cars, cigarette smoke, etc. As they build up in your lymphatic system they are moved through your body-- attaching to your vital organs and slowing you down. Have you ever wondered why you no longer have energy anymore? These toxins are the reason you feel sluggish!
It is necessary to cleanse our bodies from these toxins in order to find the energy and health you are looking for. A good detox program is one of the most effective ways to cleanse. Using a detox foot bath to remove toxins and waste from your body is one of the easiest ways to detox. You have the option of going to the spa to pay a lot of money for a one-time detox, but it is more cost effective to use a detox foot bath from the comfort of your own home-- and still get the same results.
Toxins are gently removed from your body as the reflexology points in your feet are stimulated by the detox foot bath. The toxins will actually begin to accumulate in the water during your foot soak, the water will be dirty when you are done because of all the chemicals and metals that are removed! In addition to cleansing your body, you will also have some time to sit back and relax- enjoy the warm foot bath.
You may wonder how soaking your feet is going to remove toxins. Instead of just soaking your feet in water, there is a small electrical current that creates positively charged ions. These ions cause your reflexology points to pull the negatively charged toxins from your organs and excrete them through your feet in a concentrated form of sweat.
When you begin to follow an easy detox plan like the foot bath, your health will quickly improve and you will feel more energy. The detox foot bath is the easiest way to assist your body in the natural healing process by removing toxins.
Cleanse Your Body With
A complete body cleanse or colon cleanse can help you more ways than you might think. It can help you lose weight, lose fat, gain energy and even regain lost health.
Thousands of people all over the world have found new energy, motivation and confidence after cleansing. The extra energy and confidence gives many people the motivation to find their dream job, create their own businesses and even find their soul mates!
It is a fact that in today's modern world we come into contact with many foreign chemicals, including pesticides and food preservatives. Research is uncovering the fact that chemicals leached from fast-food packaging go into the food and then our digestive tracts. They wreak havoc by upsetting hormonal imbalance, lowering thyroid function and causing other health problems. These are only a few examples of how toxins affect you.
If you're not sure you need to do a body cleanse, think about these facts; tap water contains chlorine and perchlorate, both chemicals that can clog your thyroid; many processed foods are made using tap water including breads and cereals; bleach on your clothes and other chemicals in your lotions and deodorants go through your skin and into your blood stream trying to find their way out.
Because we are bombarded with toxins, many of us get into our thirties, start feeling tired, too exhausted to work out and even too tired to cook our own food - and we call it aging. But the being in your thirties or even forties is not old. In fact you should be full of energy, happy and healthy well into your golden years!
You can accomplish all this by doing a body cleanse, also called a colon cleanse. It is a fact of life that our bodies' are capable of processing only so much at one time. Think of this, if your body could eliminate all waste on its own without help - then you should be able to overeat and not gain weight. Any extra calories that your body doesn't need are waste.
But the truth is that your body doesn't get rid of excess waste - it stores it! That's because your body does get over-burdened, it does need help cleansing, needs help losing weight and needs you to make an effort to keep it healthy.
You can do a body cleanse by eating the right foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and unprocessed proteins including meats, eggs and fish. Drink plenty of water, herbal teas and more water.
Help your body cleanse and colon cleanse by avoiding all junk foods - at least for a while. These foods clog your body, slow your metabolism and cause your body to store fat and gain weight. At the same time they leave you feeling tired, cranky and sluggish, and may leave you with less motivation to get healthy.
Intensify your body cleanse with an herbal cleansing product. These help your body get rid of built up waste that can be in the form of excess weight and excess fat. The herbs can also help your bodies' natural detoxification process which is needed to process and eliminate chemicals that get into our foods.
Cleansing your body might bring benefits that you thought were out of reach. Many people find they have far more energy than they ever had before cleansing. Many lose weight and lose fat. I had clients who exclaimed they realized they weren't old - just toxic! You can reap these benefits and many more by helping your body cleanse.
Both Sydnie Andrus & Cindy Papp are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Sydnie Andrus has sinced written about articles on various topics from Health, Meditation and Health. About the Author: Sydnie Andrus has all the information you need about foot detoxification. Visit her website and discover how a. Sydnie Andrus's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Sydnie Andrus to your Favourites.
Cindy Papp has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Fitness and Metabolism. Cindy is a Certified Nutritional Counselor. Learn more about a colon cleanseand even. Cindy Papp's top article generates over 6120000 views. Bookmark Cindy Papp to your Favourites.
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