A Joint Venture is a business deal where there is more than one entity involved. They are normally attractive because they enable companies to share both risks and costs, for a better position of a gain which is usually monetary. Joint ventures are not business organizations in the sense of proprietorships, partner-ships or corporations. For more help visit to: www.joint-ventures-secret.com.Most are formed for the ultimate purpose of saving money. Usually, joint ventures involve only two parties, but there are some that may involve three or even more parties. To keep things simple, I will mainly be making reference to joint ventures involving two parties in the article.
First things first, with any business deal there should be some type of written contract of agreement. Corporate partnership law, and the law of sole proprietorship do not govern joint ventures; contract law governs joint ventures. This makes everything clear and understood to both parties about what exactly they are involved in. The contract should specifically include the duties of both parties; the benefits of both parties; when the alliance will be executed; the specifications on an expiration of the venture; can there be an option to continue; the specifics on what each party can or cannot do while involved in the venture; what consequences can be faced if the contract is breeched; etc. This is obviously for legal reasons and for the records of each entity. A proper contract of agreement is very important in any business deal, especially a joint venture simply because it offers protection to both parties involved, on a few levels. A word of mouth agreement is powerful, but a written agreement is an entity in its own.
A good joint venture is always a win-win situation. This is where both entities involved benefit from the deal. These benefits may range from monetary gains, to mere publicity, but the key to every successful joint venture is to have both parties benefit from the deal.
Joint ventures are also a good source of leverage in certain situations for the parties involved. For example: a home improvement company is about to go out of business. A realtor is catching a lot of heat from clients that are stuck with homes they have just bought, that are in desperate need of repairs. If these two entities ventured together, (in short) the construction company will be able to stay in business by fixing up the realtor's clients homes, and the realtor will gain more business due to being able to satisfy his clients better. For more help visit to:www.jointwebventures.com.Leverage is made when one entity is doing something for another entity beneficially. In joint ventures, both entities gain leverage.
As I stated earlier, joint ventures are commonly made between two parties, but innovation has built joint ventures with three or more parties as well. A key to the life of any business is creativity. For example: if a Home Improvement magazine is just starting up, and decides to joint venture with that same realtor and construction company, that is a potential win-win-win situation. (In short) The realtor and construction company get great deals and discounts on ads, and the magazine gets its first material exclusively. All entities will be benefited on all levels. Be creative with your joint ventures, and growth is almost guaranteed.
Contract Between Two Parties
The definition of a joint venture is an agreement between two or more parties to join together for the purpose of executing a particular business undertaking. The profits and losses of the enterprise are agreed to be shared between all parties. Two people, or a party of more, join together in an online joint venture to specifically do business online.
So, in plain English, an online joint venture occurs when another online business is available for you to join forces with, in order to make money.
For more details go to: www.joint-venture-softwares.com Joint ventures hold no tricks other than locating a good partner. They can also be in a wide variety of different forms.
An example of this would be, a simple rather common joint venture, is whereby two information marketing businesses bundle their products together in order to promote them to their combined email lists. This type of arrangement generally has high potential. The exposure and customer base is increased as well as each business making money. Each customer and email list has the opportunity to receive benefits from the product of each business.
There is only one of a thousand possibilities with this type of joint venture. If you possess a good opt in list and someone has a great product, then their product can be promoted on your list for a percentage of the sales.
You may even be a person that is talented when it comes to marketing products, and have a good idea for a product that you know your market would purchase. However, you may not have the free time or the inclination to originally create the product.
To achieve this, you could partner with a programmer or a writer to create the product. By doing this, you split the profits, as you are selling the product. As stated earlier, there are a number of options.
It has been said before, that the absolute key to the success of an online joint venture is locating the correct partner.
For can visit to: www.easy-jv-manager.com an excellent place to find a partner is by online networking. It may be that you already work with a business that you could partner with.
Once your potential partner has been located, the first step would be to draft a proposal, before you do anything else. It is necessary for you to highlight the exact thing that you would bring to the relationship and what has to be gained by your potential partner. Once your proposal is prepared and ready, and only once you have undertaken sufficient research on your potential partner, you can call them, send them a letter, or zip over an email to introduce yourself and outline your proposal. It is important to remember that you make your proposal about them. Inform them of what they have to gain and what you can offer, rather than what you have to gain personally.
If your potential partner is not interested, then it is important that you part on good terms. You may just cross paths with that person again and work together in the future. If, on a better result, your potential partner says yes, then it is time for you to enjoy the experience along with the profits.
Both Meena.jan2009 & Manitmehramafia are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Manitmehramafia has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arts, Internet Marketing and Shopping. http://www.joint-ventures-secret.comhttp://www.joint-venture-guide.com. Manitmehramafia's top article generates over 1900 views. Bookmark Manitmehramafia to your Favourites.
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