At it's simplest, cosmic ordering is making a carefully worded "wish" and sending it out to the cosmos in the hope that your wish (or order) willbe answered.
Despite the fact that it has recently come to people's attention, partly due to the television star Noel Edmonds putting it as the main reason for his spectacular career comeback, cosmic ordering has been around a long time.
Its roots can be traced back to at least the early 1900's when Wallace D Wattles wrote a book called The Science of Getting Rich. In this, he talked about thinking about things to turn them into reality. This may sound simplistic but if you actually stop to think about it, it's perfectly sensible. Near enough everything you see around you started as a thought in someone's mind - the computer you're reading this on, the chair you are sitting on, the room around you. Every one of these started as a thought.
Cosmic ordering takes these thoughts and focuses on them. You send out a precisely worded request to the cosmos (or universe or your god if you prefer) and then let the cosmos deliver on that request.
Some requests are simple and will be delivered by doing nothing more than this.
Others are more complicated and will take some effort on your part to come to fruition.
Yet others are so far away that they will need a lot of effort before they can become part of your reality.
One of the problems a lot of people have with the Law of Attraction (which is very closely related to cosmic ordering) is that they dream up a request and then get disappointed when it doesn't manifest itself into their life in a few hours or days.
A common request is to win the lottery. The trouble is that a large number of other people are also putting out this request and the numbers involved just can't work for everyone. Here in the UK, almost 95% of lottery winners only get 10 times their stake back. So even if you "win" the lottery, chances are that you've only won ?10 (about $20).
It's far better to focus on a slightly smaller goal. Ideally, one that you are more in control of.
It's also worth starting small - you've done that with most everything else in your life if you think about it. As a toddler, you took time to be able to walk even one or two steps without falling down. But that didn't stop you and eventually you learned how to walk.
It's the same with cosmic ordering. Start small. Send out a small request - say for a parking space to be clear for you or the next few sets of traffic lights to be green for you - and get it fulfilled. Then work up to a slightly larger request, get that filled, and so on.
Make sure your requests are worded positively. Your subconscious mind is working with you on this and it needs clear directions to get what you want from the universe. Negatives or lack of clarity will getin the way of your cosmic order being filled for you.
Cosmic Ordering For Beginners
Celebrity stories and press coverage of the successes of Cosmic Ordering can easily leave you with the impression that all you have to do is make a wish and voila! Your deepest desires immediately arrive as if by magic. However, this is not the whole story. The cosmos expects you to do your part too. "What? I hear you exclaim. "You mean I actually have to DO something to make it work" Well, actually, yes you do and if you do it, you will supercharge your Cosmic Orders and take them to a completely new level.
Barbel Mohr reveals the secret in her book, "The Cosmic Ordering Service." Like all fundamental truths, it is very simple. To quote her words, "You must commit to yourself." By committing to yourself, you emphasize your own self-worth. When you recognise your own unique value, you open yourself up to a new wealth of possibilities.
If you are unable to make this commitment, it is likely that you will choose to ignore, or fail to recognize opportunities when they appear. The cosmos will simply fulfil your true underlying belief that "you don't deserve it."
So what is this self-commitment thingy? Well to put it briefly, it is to value and love yourself, to start putting yourself first. Start living YOUR life. When opportunities arrive or events occur; do what is right for you. The analogy I like here is the advice given by airlines in the event of a crisis. Fit your own oxygen mask first before helping your companion or children. The point is YOU must first be OK, before you can give effective help to others.
This vital self-commitment will supercharge your ability to recognise and receive good things when they arrive. By focussing on yourself with love, you fulfil one of the fundamental laws of the universe: 'what you focus on, grows'. By focussing on yourself, you will grow spiritually. Moreover, so will your ability to manifest wonderful things for yourself.
A great way to maintain your commitment is to treat it a bit like an affirmation, just repeat the words "I commit to myself" regularly or write it down on a piece of card and leave it somewhere where you will regularly see it.
Then you are ready to place your cosmic orders, just visualize what it is you want and then release your request to the Cosmos. Let it go without fear or anxiety and leave it to the Cosmos to deliver your request in the best possible way and at the best possible time for you. You can forget your order because it is now in the hands of the Cosmos, but you must not forget the commitment you have made to yourself.
Both Trevor John & George Symond are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
George Symond has sinced written about articles on various topics from Facelift Before and After, Web Development and Alternative Medicine. G Symond is a successful website author and writer on the benefits of positive thinking and the intriguing new mysteries exposed by quantum physics.To learn more about Cosmic Ordering or to place your own Cosmic Orders online right now, please visi. George Symond's top article generates over 2400 views. Bookmark George Symond to your Favourites.
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